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Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:33 pm
by Hortator
Title says it all, I'll start.

I predict the Republican ticket will be Donald Trump with VP Bernie Sanders, with half or most of Bernie's supporters going over to the Trump camp. The Democrat(ic :mrgreen: ) ticket will be Hillary/Bill Clinton and Jeb Bush. I also predict that the Trump/Sanders ticket will obtain the majority in every state as well as the popular vote, but Hillary will still win for some reason few will know immediately why.

Lob them out there: they can be funny, or serious, or in-between as is this case.

They also don't have to be about American politics or elections. Geopolitics? The Mid-East? China, Russia, Japan, Myanmar's bauxite stock? Anything you want.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:40 pm
by RickD

Ted Cruz. God told Ted's father that Ted will be the next pres.

But it's not so much a prediction, as a prophecy. :mrgreen:

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:29 pm
by DBowling
I can say one thing with absolute confidence...
The next President of the United States will be a dishonest pathological liar.

The fact that this describes the Presidential candidates from both political parties is an indictment on the culture that has selected these two candidates for President.

I am very sad for our country! :(

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:49 pm
by crochet1949
And we still have five months to endure before the election takes place.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:30 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Hortator wrote:Title says it all, I'll start.

I predict the Republican ticket will be Donald Trump with VP Bernie Sanders, with half or most of Bernie's supporters going over to the Trump camp. The Democrat(ic :mrgreen: ) ticket will be Hillary/Bill Clinton and Jeb Bush. I also predict that the Trump/Sanders ticket will obtain the majority in every state as well as the popular vote, but Hillary will still win for some reason few will know immediately why.

Lob them out there: they can be funny, or serious, or in-between as is this case.

They also don't have to be about American politics or elections. Geopolitics? The Mid-East? China, Russia, Japan, Myanmar's bauxite stock? Anything you want.

My predictions? Trump will pick Jeff Sessions the Senator from Alabama who was the first to endorse Trump.Sessions has been a champion senator when it comes to illegal immigration,even back when Bush was the President for V.P but Trump will win.Trump will be a great President too,unless you are a liberal.Trump will do what he says he will as President and America will be strengthened because of it.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:22 pm
by Hortator
abelcainsbrother wrote:

My predictions? Trump will pick Jeff Sessions the Senator from Alabama who was the first to endorse Trump.Sessions has been a champion senator when it comes to illegal immigration,even back when Bush was the President for V.P but Trump will win.Trump will be a great President too,unless you are a liberal.Trump will do what he says he will as President and America will be strengthened because of it.
Good observation! I hadn't heard that theory before, but sounds plausible. Only flaw though is that a Senator is pretty "establishment" for Trump's image. Maybe a Rep. or Governor, someone who isn't too, too involved/senior in Washington.

I still believe that Trump could sweep the election if he had Sanders as a wingman. The two have the most organic grass roots this nation has ever seen: extra strength fertilizer. Sure, some of Trump's voters have come straight out of backwaters, and Sanders' out of Columbia University, but people who step up in the democrat(ic :mrgreen: ) process on their own accord through their own inspiration? That's just admirable and wonderful in my mind. Bless them....just not maybe their ideas lol

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:57 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Hortator wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:

My predictions? Trump will pick Jeff Sessions the Senator from Alabama who was the first to endorse Trump.Sessions has been a champion senator when it comes to illegal immigration,even back when Bush was the President for V.P but Trump will win.Trump will be a great President too,unless you are a liberal.Trump will do what he says he will as President and America will be strengthened because of it.
Good observation! I hadn't heard that theory before, but sounds plausible. Only flaw though is that a Senator is pretty "establishment" for Trump's image. Maybe a Rep. or Governor, someone who isn't too, too involved/senior in Washington.

I still believe that Trump could sweep the election if he had Sanders as a wingman. The two have the most organic grass roots this nation has ever seen: extra strength fertilizer. Sure, some of Trump's voters have come straight out of backwaters, and Sanders' out of Columbia University, but people who step up in the democrat(ic :mrgreen: ) process on their own accord through their own inspiration? That's just admirable and wonderful in my mind. Bless them....just not maybe their ideas lol

It's just my own feelings based on my political observations.I do not know for sure what is going to happen it is just my honest opinion about what will happen.It would be disastrous in my opinion if Trump picked Sanders as V.P and I doubt very much he would do that because Sanders is a socialist and Trump is not but also if Trump was assassinated Sanders would become President and socialism would do serious harm to America.So I can't see Trump picking Sanders as V.P.

Jeff Sessions has spoke out and has made illegal immigration one of his issues and has spoken out about it in the senate many of times.Also Trump has said that he needs a V.P that is a politician that knows how bills,etc are passed in the senate,somebody who knows how to get things done when it comes to congress and Jeff Sessions would fit the description.He has already been helping Trump by advising him when it comes to foreign policy and has put together a team for Trump too. I think Jeff Sessions would make a great V.P for Trump and I have thought this for awhile.I remember seeing Jeff Sessions stand up to John McCain back when Bush was President and they were trying to push an amnesty bill through Congress and had not even read it.

Because of Jeff Sessions speaking up and standing up to John McCain,etc the bill was at least read first and I remember being proud of Jeff Sessions for standing up and speaking out about it,even when he was going against the grain and majority at the time.President Bush pushed for amnesty also just like Obama has and it was an issue I disagreed with.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:50 am
by Jac3510
Hillary is nominee, probably picks Sherrod Brown, maybe Juan Castro as VP (she'd love Warren, I think, but I don't think Warren would do it). Trump wins. I don't know who his pick will be other than to say it will certainly be someone who is a seasoned politician (and a seasoned Republican). He wants this person to act as his go-between between himself and Capitol Hill. It won't be Christie. It won't be Rubio or Cotton or any other such brand-spankin' new Republican, much less a neo-con (I don't see how Trump picks a neo-con). Sessions would be a fine, if uninspiring pick. And that's the last thing I'm expecting in a Trump pick. Yes, he wants to govern, but he also wants to win. So he's going to pick someone who is interesting. He'll reveal this person as part of his convention. So don't expect a "conventional" pick--read, no hispanic, no woman (e.g., no Haley, no Martinez).

To the election -- I think Hillary does NOT get indicted, but I think someone close to her does. (Alternatively, she gets indicted on severely reduced charges that Clinton is able to brush aside.) Trump will, of course, play that up as part of his "Crooked Hillary" mantra. She'll continue to attack him on being dangerous on foreign policy, and he'll tie her to Bush's foreign policy in the process (e.g., her vote for Iraq war and generally interventionalist approach). That will resonate strongly enough with independents and Sanders supporters that it will either prevent them from voting for Clinton or else it will actually bring them to vote for him (especially when trade is considered). Trump will put the rust belt in play in a way it has never been. He will lose in California and New York, but not by as much as expected. He'll actually force Clinton play defense there and so she won't be able to make a play for, say, Georgia. Bottom line is that Trump will win the general election by taking states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and maybe even New Jersey. The question for Republicans going forward four or eight years from now is if the Trump-coalition can be persuaded to continue to vote Republican or are they really just that attracted by Trump's personality (in a way, then, Republicans will have a Trump problem the way that Democrats have an Obama problem).

On other fronts, Britain will leave the EU. This will be interpreted as a major boost for Trump, and there will be a general wave of nationalism and nativism begin to sweep across Europe more generally.

There will be no significant changes with ISIS--they'll continue to lose ground generally as we continue to take out top leaders. But they won't be going away--it will become clear that the idea of them becoming a caliphate is not only a dead idea but one that they know is a dead idea, but they will shift their focus to more traditional terrorism (which in some ways will make it harder to fight them--this, again, will be a boon to Trump).

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:10 am
by RickD
Jac wrote:

And, perhaps most importantly, Tebow will not make an NFL team again this year.
He puzzles me as a player. Maybe the greatest college player of all-time, but can't adapt his style to the NFL. He's smart, a great athlete, and dedicated. One would think that if he worked on his game enough, he should be able to adapt.

Too bad. The NFL needs people like him.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:23 am
by edwardmurphy
RickD wrote:
Jac wrote:

And, perhaps most importantly, Tebow will not make an NFL team again this year.
He puzzles me as a player. Maybe the greatest college player of all-time, but can't adapt his style to the NFL. He's smart, a great athlete, and dedicated. One would think that if he worked on his game enough, he should be able to adapt.

Too bad. The NFL needs people like him.
I recall hearing that the Pats were interested in trying him out at as a receiver. Apparently in his mind he's a quarterback, period, end of story. So since he's not good enough to be a QB in the NFL that's that for his pro career.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:31 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:
RickD wrote:
Jac wrote:

And, perhaps most importantly, Tebow will not make an NFL team again this year.
He puzzles me as a player. Maybe the greatest college player of all-time, but can't adapt his style to the NFL. He's smart, a great athlete, and dedicated. One would think that if he worked on his game enough, he should be able to adapt.

Too bad. The NFL needs people like him.
I recall hearing that the Pats were interested in trying him out at as a receiver. Apparently in his mind he's a quarterback, period, end of story. So since he's not good enough to be a QB in the NFL that's that for his pro career.
Whatever you recall, you are mistaken. The Pats were not interested in Tebow as a receiver, other than lining him up as receiver on a few plays.

But you're right that Tebow is probably done in the NFL. Although, with Sanchez at QB in Denver, Elway may be wishing he still had Tebow.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:49 pm
by edwardmurphy
Why would Elway want two terrible quarterbacks?

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:28 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:Why would Elway want two terrible quarterbacks?
It's means if he still had Tebow, he wouldn't have Sanchez. Duh!

Actually, if Sanchez can manage the game, instead of trying to do too much, he may be fine in Denver.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:29 am
by edwardmurphy
True enough. The Ravens won it all with Trent Dilfer and he was terrible.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:51 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:True enough. The Ravens won it all with Trent Dilfer and he was terrible.
And don't forget about Brad Johnson.