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N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:43 pm
by abelcainsbrother
The New World Order is in trouble.The people are waking up to these secret globalization organizations that are trying to use their money and influence to lead the world into a one world government and these crooks feel the push-back.I wish there was a way that they could be prosecuted by the law and shut down using rico statutes and they might could be,but would it happen?For years we were called conspiracy theorists but we were right all along.We must rebel against them. ... ss-1563898

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 7:12 am
by Katabole
Thanks for the article ABC.

You should check out the blog by Martin Armstrong.

I watched a movie about Armstrong not too long ago called, 'The Forecaster'. If you get a chance to watch that movie you should. It shows unabashedly, the political corruption in the US, including the terrible greed and massive bribes and generally very evil people, not only in the United States but in the worldwide banking and justice system.

Armstrong developed a mathematical model a number of years ago which predicted the rise and fall of world stock markets which he based on history, going back to the Romans. For a time his mathematical model made him quite wealthy. When word got around, the "powers that be" evidently realized they could make a fortune off his model if they could control it and attempted to acquire it from Armstrong. When he would not give it up, they destroyed his business called at that time "Princeton Economics" and assassinated his character. He ended up going to prison for 11 years. Quite a few of those years he was deliberately kept in solitary confinement (by direct orders of the judge who sentenced him), because Armstrong realized they wanted his model for power and greed. One of the guys who prosecuted Armstrong, who was later hired by Goldman Sachs (Alan Cohen is his name), who was close friends with the judge who sentenced Armstrong. After watching the movie, I believe Armstrong was completely innocent.

Armstrong also believes man made global warming leading to climate change is a complete and utter hoax, based on falsified scientific evidence, observation and research, and is simply a tool of greedy bankers and power hungry politicians, (many of which he intimately knows because they not only prosecuted him but he believes they are bought "yes men" puppets of the system), with the help of a hysterical media, to force a carbon tax on an ignorant population, in order to fill their own pockets.

Check out his blog. Armstrong Economics: Researching the Past to Predict the Future. Armstrong knows his stuff about the NWO and refuses to be silenced after all the injustices that have been done to him.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:17 pm
by RickD
The NWO failed because wrestling isn't as popular as it once was.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:22 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Katabole wrote:Thanks for the article ABC.

You should check out the blog by Martin Armstrong.

I watched a movie about Armstrong not too long ago called, 'The Forecaster'. If you get a chance to watch that movie you should. It shows unabashedly, the political corruption in the US, including the terrible greed and massive bribes and generally very evil people, not only in the United States but in the worldwide banking and justice system.

Armstrong developed a mathematical model a number of years ago which predicted the rise and fall of world stock markets which he based on history, going back to the Romans. For a time his mathematical model made him quite wealthy. When word got around, the "powers that be" evidently realized they could make a fortune off his model if they could control it and attempted to acquire it from Armstrong. When he would not give it up, they destroyed his business called at that time "Princeton Economics" and assassinated his character. He ended up going to prison for 11 years. Quite a few of those years he was deliberately kept in solitary confinement (by direct orders of the judge who sentenced him), because Armstrong realized they wanted his model for power and greed. One of the guys who prosecuted Armstrong, who was later hired by Goldman Sachs (Alan Cohen is his name), who was close friends with the judge who sentenced Armstrong. After watching the movie, I believe Armstrong was completely innocent.

Armstrong also believes man made global warming leading to climate change is a complete and utter hoax, based on falsified scientific evidence, observation and research, and is simply a tool of greedy bankers and power hungry politicians, (many of which he intimately knows because they not only prosecuted him but he believes they are bought "yes men" puppets of the system), with the help of a hysterical media, to force a carbon tax on an ignorant population, in order to fill their own pockets.

Check out his blog. Armstrong Economics: Researching the Past to Predict the Future. Armstrong knows his stuff about the NWO and refuses to be silenced after all the injustices that have been done to him.

Thanks I will look into it.Thanks for telling me about it.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:31 pm
by edwardmurphy
Anyone worried about the NWO should consider investing in an AFDB.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:57 am
by Hortator
I can't tell if you're serious or not about the existence of a NWO. y:-? I mean, if you are, by all means give me your best shot trying to convince me and I'll listen with an open mind.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 3:03 pm
by Katabole
Hortator wrote:I can't tell if you're serious or not about the existence of a NWO. y:-? I mean, if you are, by all means give me your best shot trying to convince me and I'll listen with an open mind.
I do not know if you were asking me or ACB.

It would depend on your particular view of Christian eschatology.

2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

In my opinion, I believe there are two plans at work in the realms of human history and human society.

One is God's Master plan. The other is Lucifer's plan to thwart God's Master plan which he has been attempting to usurp for millennia.

I believe God sentenced Lucifer to death a long time ago (Ezekiel 28). God just hasn't executed him. Yet. Lucifer knows the time of his inevitable destruction is coming and he is using everything in his power to prevent his prophesied demise. That includes the world economic, educational, political, religious social system; the NWO. In Zechariah 1 and the book of Daniel, this system is allegorically described as four horns or powers, essentially four dynasties. Just as an animal horn is used to describe its power, a dynasty is a power that controls a large number of people over a long period of time. In Matthew 4:9 and Luke 4:6 Lucifer tells Jesus that all the kingdoms of the world have been given to him. Jesus does not dispute that with him.

Jesus calls Lucifer, "the prince of this world" in John 12:31 and John 14:30.

The apostle Paul calls Lucifer, 'the god of this world" in 2 Corinthians 4:4.

Lucifer is called Abaddon and Apollyon in Revelation. Both those names means destroyer.

What did Lucifer do to receive such titles?

I suppose you could say, "Well that's just the way it is. The human race is filled with sinful human beings who do as they wish and no one is controlling them." I firmly believe that if a person is not worshipping Christ, then they are worshipping Satan. And if they are not worshipping Christ, then Satan is using that person in order to fulfill his plan because those people are ignorant of his devices.

There are a whole series of events that have to happen before Christ's return. I do not believe in a rapture of any kind, therefore the world economic, educational, political, religious social system has to reach it's zenith. But when it reaches it's zenith then it fails. (See Revelation 13, the deadly wound). And when it fails, Lucifer is going to show up and fix the system and demand that he be worshipped as God. Then he is going to make an image of that system, with him as its religious head. And because there are so many that are unfamiliar with what the Bible actually teaches, they will worship him as God.

Shortly after Lucifer comes here, then Christ is going to return and most of the human race will wish to die because they thought they were worshipping Christ, when it was Lucifer disguised as Christ they were worshipping. That is why Jesus' first warning in Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 is a warning about deception and in 2 Thess 2:4, Paul warns that the day of the Lord isn't going to happen until the son of perdition (the son that perishes), the lawless one, Satan, Lucifer (he is called by many names), comes here first before Christ.

Lucifer's deception will be so great, so underhanded and so thorough that most of the human race will worship him. They will all take the mark of the beast, (which I believe to be a spiritual mark of deception in a person's mind.) And he will use the NWO, (the economic, educational, political, religious social system), to achieve his means, which is still in the process of forming to its full extent. However, as much as he attempts to thwart God's plan, he is simply an instrument in a much greater plan, the end of which, not even he can imagine, which will lead to his ultimate destruction.

That is what I understand about the NWO.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:21 pm
by edwardmurphy
Huh. I guess tinfoil hats won't help. Maybe tinfoil crosses?

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:55 pm
by Vergil
I know a site that has many 'conspiracy theories' yet they seem more factual and have evidences to back them up.
Should i post the link here?

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:50 am
by abelcainsbrother
Vergil wrote:I know a site that has many 'conspiracy theories' yet they seem more factual and have evidences to back them up.
Should i post the link here?
Yeah,post the link.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:30 am
by Vergil
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:I know a site that has many 'conspiracy theories' yet they seem more factual and have evidences to back them up.
Should i post the link here?
Yeah,post the link.
A trivia on the Host of the site
Joe Lanier is a Christian, and some of the articles on the site are for Christians and Catholics but those articles can be counted on the hand.

I hope this site will help you.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:14 am
by Katabole
edwardmurphy wrote:Huh. I guess tinfoil hats won't help. Maybe tinfoil crosses?
You know, you should really follow Chuck Norris' commandment #1: If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything.

Maybe an intellectual rebuttal, some in-depth analysis perhaps? I wish you were an honest atheist like Nietzsche.

You should remember, the only thing keeping you and the rest of the atheists alive is the fact that the Christians in the Western world believe in a God that is going to judge them individually for their actions. Prove to me there is no God beyond a shadow of a doubt and I will actively hunt you, just like I would a bear or a duck or a deer or any other soulless biological organism that is dancing to their DNA. There is nothing sociopathic when one soulless biological organism destroys another soulless biological organism is there?

You will probably say, "Prove to me that God does exist?" God already did. You just don't believe it.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:24 am
by Mallz :twisted:

Remember, satan is they tyrant behind all tyranny :mrgreen:

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:47 am
by edwardmurphy
Katabole wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:Huh. I guess tinfoil hats won't help. Maybe tinfoil crosses?
You know, you should really follow Chuck Norris' commandment #1: If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything.
Fair enough. Sometimes I just can't help myself, but I shall endeavor to be a better person.
Katabole wrote:Maybe an intellectual rebuttal, some in-depth analysis perhaps? I wish you were an honest atheist like Nietzsche.
What's dishonest about not thinking conspiracy theories deserve an in-depth rebuttal? And even if I felt like this one did (and to be clear, I don't), how does one rebut the claim that there's a secret conspiracy afoot? And even if I could, why bother? Birthers, Truthers, and those a-holes who insist that Sandy Hook was faked by the Obama Administration aren't going to listen to reason. Honestly, I'm completely unable to fathom how anyone could possibly believe any of that crap, but I'm certain that anyone who does isn't going to be convinced otherwise.
Katabole wrote:You should remember, the only thing keeping you and the rest of the atheists alive is the fact that the Christians in the Western world believe in a God that is going to judge them individually for their actions. Prove to me there is no God beyond a shadow of a doubt and I will actively hunt you, just like I would a bear or a duck or a deer or any other soulless biological organism that is dancing to their DNA. There is nothing sociopathic when one soulless biological organism destroys another soulless biological organism is there?

1. a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

If you're actively hunting members of our society because they were right about something and you were wrong then you lack a social conscience, so yeah, that's sociopathic. Thankfully, most of the Christians I've met are basically good, civilized human beings, and would likely continue to be so even without Biblical carrots and sticks to keep them in line. It saddens me that you think so poorly of them. Are you perhaps projecting your own pathology onto the rest of Christendom?
Katabole wrote:You will probably say, "Prove to me that God does exist?" God already did. You just don't believe it.
Nope, there's no point.

Re: N.W.O in trouble?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:45 pm
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:
Katabole wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:Huh. I guess tinfoil hats won't help. Maybe tinfoil crosses?
You know, you should really follow Chuck Norris' commandment #1: If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything.
Fair enough. Sometimes I just can't help myself, but I shall endeavor to be a better person.
Katabole wrote:Maybe an intellectual rebuttal, some in-depth analysis perhaps? I wish you were an honest atheist like Nietzsche.
What's dishonest about not thinking conspiracy theories deserve an in-depth rebuttal? And even if I felt like this one did (and to be clear, I don't), how does one rebut the claim that there's a secret conspiracy afoot? And even if I could, why bother? Birthers, Truthers, and those a-holes who insist that Sandy Hook was faked by the Obama Administration aren't going to listen to reason. Honestly, I'm completely unable to fathom how anyone could possibly believe any of that crap, but I'm certain that anyone who does isn't going to be convinced otherwise.
Katabole wrote:You should remember, the only thing keeping you and the rest of the atheists alive is the fact that the Christians in the Western world believe in a God that is going to judge them individually for their actions. Prove to me there is no God beyond a shadow of a doubt and I will actively hunt you, just like I would a bear or a duck or a deer or any other soulless biological organism that is dancing to their DNA. There is nothing sociopathic when one soulless biological organism destroys another soulless biological organism is there?

1. a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

If you're actively hunting members of our society because they were right about something and you were wrong then you lack a social conscience, so yeah, that's sociopathic. Thankfully, most of the Christians I've met are basically good, civilized human beings, and would likely continue to be so even without Biblical carrots and sticks to keep them in line. It saddens me that you think so poorly of them. Are you perhaps projecting your own pathology onto the rest of Christendom?
Katabole wrote:You will probably say, "Prove to me that God does exist?" God already did. You just don't believe it.
Nope, there's no point.
You are just a blind person if you cannot see an effort for globalization.I mean we already see a global economy the only thing we are doing is pointing out who is behind this effort to globalize and as far as Sandy Hook,perhaps if Obama would not use it as a way to take away our right to bear arms,use it as a political weapon to speak out against law abding citizens owning guns people would not think it was a set-up.I mean he is actively setting us up for future Islamic terrorist attacks by bringing the Isla!mic refugees into America,ignoring the FBI.He is trying to hurt America and has created a mess we are going to have to clean up now while being called "islamaphobes" we read him like a book.