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Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:04 pm
by JButler
I was thinking recently about a trait I've noticed in my rather large hyper-Calvinist/Calvinist/Reformed extended family and immediate family. Any time a topic comes up or even a simple inquiring question they immediately go into what I call "defense and re-direction mode".

First they assume a nefarious reason for the comment/question, then immediately twist the question into something its not and then launch into a tirade of damnation. This takes place in a matter of seconds so its like there is pre-set "attacks" in their minds that are ready to go and all it takes is a trigger word to fire off the counter-attack.

Therefore its impossible to have a meaningful theological conversation with them. :( Its like they put their hands over their ears and start shouting to block out heresy or whatever.

The other day a thought came to me. "Is your faith so weak and fragile that mere words will cause it to collapse and crumble?"
I thought "How true!" (been saying that a lot lately along with "Amazing!")

Really, think about that. Is your faith so fragile it'll pop like a balloon with the tiniest pinprick?

Re: Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:12 pm
by RickD
Clearly you're not one of the elect, that's why you don't understand. :mrgreen:

Re: Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:24 pm
by SoCalExile
The issue is the "False Hope" of Calvinism: that one may think they have faith in Christ but not actually be one of those God has chosen for eternal life. With such a fragile view of salvation, they have to constantly strive to persevere in good works, one of which is not doubting their faith.

There is also a huge amount of very famous reformed preachers that preach "sin sin sin" and "law law law" every chance they get, because they make their money convincing their followers that doing one and not the other will send them to hell. Nevermind that it is Christ's performance that saves us, not our own ability to avoid sin and follow the law.

Here's a more in-depth teaching on the issues of Calvinism by a former Calvinist:

Re: Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:11 pm
by abelcainsbrother
JButler wrote:I was thinking recently about a trait I've noticed in my rather large hyper-Calvinist/Calvinist/Reformed extended family and immediate family. Any time a topic comes up or even a simple inquiring question they immediately go into what I call "defense and re-direction mode".

First they assume a nefarious reason for the comment/question, then immediately twist the question into something its not and then launch into a tirade of damnation. This takes place in a matter of seconds so its like there is pre-set "attacks" in their minds that are ready to go and all it takes is a trigger word to fire off the counter-attack.

Therefore its impossible to have a meaningful theological conversation with them. :( Its like they put their hands over their ears and start shouting to block out heresy or whatever.

The other day a thought came to me. "Is your faith so weak and fragile that mere words will cause it to collapse and crumble?"
I thought "How true!" (been saying that a lot lately along with "Amazing!")

Really, think about that. Is your faith so fragile it'll pop like a balloon with the tiniest pinprick?
It is not just Calvinists that do this and these people think their personal opinion and belief trump the word of God.Ahh,well You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.

Re: Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:09 pm
by JButler
It is not just Calvinists that do this and these people think their personal opinion and belief trump the word of God.Ahh,well You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
You are correct, its not strictly a Calvinist problem. But its one group I have the most experience with that exhibits this behavior. I know Amish and Hutterites like to quash "heresy" hard and fast plus they're not open to new information.

Re: Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:17 pm
by JButler
I think what brought this up in my mind was reading through the various letters of Paul. Specifically the parts where he's advising believers how to treat each other with love and respect, etc. I certainly did not see hardly anything resembling Paul's advice in the congregations in my formative years.

So I was wondering to myself if these people read Paul's words (sure they did/do) and just ignore them or what. Or they just selectively cherry pick what fits and tune out the rest.

That's when that thought in the 1st post came to me.

Re: Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:00 am
by abelcainsbrother
JButler wrote:I think what brought this up in my mind was reading through the various letters of Paul. Specifically the parts where he's advising believers how to treat each other with love and respect, etc. I certainly did not see hardly anything resembling Paul's advice in the congregations in my formative years.

So I was wondering to myself if these people read Paul's words (sure they did/do) and just ignore them or what. Or they just selectively cherry pick what fits and tune out the rest.

That's when that thought in the 1st post came to me.
I Love Apostle Paul. For you.

Re: Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:54 am
by SoCalExile
It's a problem with anyone that thinks that they have to work for their salvation.

Re: Is your faith so fragile.........

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:04 pm
by JButler
SoCalExile wrote:The issue is the "False Hope" of Calvinism: that one may think they have faith in Christ but not actually be one of those God has chosen for eternal life. With such a fragile view of salvation, they have to constantly strive to persevere in good works, one of which is not doubting their faith.

There is also a huge amount of very famous reformed preachers that preach "sin sin sin" and "law law law" every chance they get, because they make their money convincing their followers that doing one and not the other will send them to hell. Nevermind that it is Christ's performance that saves us, not our own ability to avoid sin and follow the law.

Here's a more in-depth teaching on the issues of Calvinism by a former Calvinist:
Reminded of some terms I'd haven't heard for a long time. Don't agree with every comment but that's normal.

Forgotten how deeply entrenched they were in OT law and legalism. But their inconsistencies with Bible passages was my first inkling something was not kosher.

Example: they would hang on 1 verse strongly even though it showed up only once in the Bible. But another singular verse would be blown off, if it didn't fit their theology, with "Well, it only appears once in the Bible!" y(:| So confusing.