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Unique way that started journey back to Bible

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:19 pm
by JButler
I was gone from the faith for many years but still had my love of history, curiosity of things in general. Don't recall the year but I ran across this tv show The Naked Archeologist. Basically the show revolved around a Bible story and investigated archeology related to it. During episodes about specific Bible stories/passages I'd dig out the little used Bible and double check the show's information. After a while I began feeling embarrassed by how much I'd forgotten.

So that was the spark that got the ball rolling, albeit very slowly, to start my journey back. Wouldn't have thunk it when I started watching the show.

Re: Unique way that started journey back to Bible

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:44 am
by Storyteller
Thank you for sharing that JB. I struggle with reading the Bible, which mystifies me as I feel Christ working within me so keenly. Maybe I can take your idea and use it to help me.

I love reading about Christ, about faith so perhaps I should approach it like that. The Bible has to be the ultimate book on faith!

Re: Unique way that started journey back to Bible

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:15 am
by SoCalExile
JB, check out Patterns Of Evidence: Exodus. It's on Netflix and Amazon.

Re: Unique way that started journey back to Bible

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:50 pm
by JButler
Storyteller wrote:Thank you for sharing that JB. I struggle with reading the Bible, which mystifies me as I feel Christ working within me so keenly. Maybe I can take your idea and use it to help me.

I love reading about Christ, about faith so perhaps I should approach it like that. The Bible has to be the ultimate book on faith!
Just a little heads up. The producer/star of that show, Simcha Jacobovici, is an Orthodox Jew has a bit of an agenda with Christianity or parts of it. For NT related shows he likes to interview scholars with alternate ideas.
As long as you're aware of potential issues and can discern the chaff, its an informative show that's entertaining. Plus being Orthodox Jew you pick up some insights into Jewish culture/history you normally don't get. The shows on OT stuff are the best.

Simcha's last major show was The Jesus Tomb which was just awful in so many ways and IMO destroyed his credibility.