Global consciousness connecting people

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Global consciousness connecting people

Post by JButler »

Normally I don't pay attention to super nerdy that involves complicated math or fringe concepts. But this particular topic grabbed me because I could relate to it by experience.

On the morning of 9/11/01 I was in my office doing routine stuff, nothing going on, so just a normal level of stress. Quickly into the shift I was becoming more and more uptight, extremely anxious but for no reason. It got so bad I nearly had a staffer drive me to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. About an hour or so later I hear of the 1st tower being hit by the airliner.

Fast forward 10 years and I'm channel surfing my usual non-fiction TV channels and see an interview with some scientist with The Global Consciousness Project. The professor is explaining this rather unique project that is researching the common psychic that connects people worldwide.

He got me to sit up and listen when discussing 9/11 and showing how they started tracking off the chart spike. The uptick started before the actual attacks started. This was so compelling I wrote the professor to tell him of my experience.

It brings up the bigger question of how people somehow share an invisible thread to share emotion, even premonition. On the normal level there's "common knowledge", common desire to worship, common thoughts on what is bad behavior, etc. But this 9/11 part brings up a whole different level of sharing similar stress resulting in physical issues before an event happens.
Even the scientists working on this really don't know that much except to keep studying the phenomena.

Since this information isn't transmitted physically then its something like telepathy. Whole idea is mind boggling to me but I know what I experienced. The HOW we can attribute to spiritual realm but the WHY question on the premonition vibes is a puzzler.

Interview with Prof. Roger Nelson
Website for GCP
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Re: Global consciousness connecting people

Post by abelcainsbrother »

JButler wrote:Normally I don't pay attention to super nerdy that involves complicated math or fringe concepts. But this particular topic grabbed me because I could relate to it by experience.

On the morning of 9/11/01 I was in my office doing routine stuff, nothing going on, so just a normal level of stress. Quickly into the shift I was becoming more and more uptight, extremely anxious but for no reason. It got so bad I nearly had a staffer drive me to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. About an hour or so later I hear of the 1st tower being hit by the airliner.

Fast forward 10 years and I'm channel surfing my usual non-fiction TV channels and see an interview with some scientist with The Global Consciousness Project. The professor is explaining this rather unique project that is researching the common psychic that connects people worldwide.

He got me to sit up and listen when discussing 9/11 and showing how they started tracking off the chart spike. The uptick started before the actual attacks started. This was so compelling I wrote the professor to tell him of my experience.

It brings up the bigger question of how people somehow share an invisible thread to share emotion, even premonition. On the normal level there's "common knowledge", common desire to worship, common thoughts on what is bad behavior, etc. But this 9/11 part brings up a whole different level of sharing similar stress resulting in physical issues before an event happens.
Even the scientists working on this really don't know that much except to keep studying the phenomena.

Since this information isn't transmitted physically then its something like telepathy. Whole idea is mind boggling to me but I know what I experienced. The HOW we can attribute to spiritual realm but the WHY question on the premonition vibes is a puzzler.

Interview with Prof. Roger Nelson
Website for GCP
I have not heard of this but it sounds similar to Rupert Sheldrake's theory that dogs can sense and know their owner is returning home,well before they arrive. And he did experiments by placing camara's in the home of a dog owner and recorded the dog's reaction when the owner was returning home and sure enough the dog got up walked to the front door excited wagging its tail before the owner arrived. Of course though,since science is caught up in materialism/naturalism it is rejected by science.
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Re: Global consciousness connecting people

Post by JButler »

I recall an experiment in the UK with a dog. IIRC the dog was tuned in to the owner returning home at a certain time. Not sure if this is the same experiment you're referring to. Speaking of dogs (and cats) how many stories have there been about a lost dog traveling hundreds of miles to find its owner. Seems like one or two a year in the news.

Emotion seems to play a part in these events to connect man and dog to bring them together. Happy stories for sure but I also view them as evidence of the power and magnificence of God's creation that is built into living creatures.

People sensing something catastrophic is coming isn't new but the most recent is the so-called "prepper" movement. My brother worked in a large sporting goods store where they also sold emergency food packages. Years ago it was rare someone would ask for this item and the customer would've been considered a kook. In recent years its a normal daily thing for customers buying this. Of course people's thoughts are likely influenced by what they see/hear and are reacting to it.
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Re: Global consciousness connecting people

Post by Kurieuo »

For how the measurements are performed: which is kind of interesting. As time goes on, I do believe future science will provide more evidence for the idea that consciousness, while somehow obviously linked to our bodies, also extends beyond such in rudimentary ways. We do influence to world in subtle ways, not just the world influencing us, and indeed quantum mechanics is rather suggestive of such.
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