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Reading the Bible

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:41 pm
by Storyteller
I've just realised something, when I read the Bible I just read it, absorb it, pray about it and just ponder, let it seep into my heart.
I have never tried to figure out what it actually means but I am finding that what I think and believe lines up with Scripture.

Random thought... the Bible is the living Word, so is it possible that every single person will (and possibly) interpret it differently?

An example, Genesis 1 and 2, describe the Big Bang and maybe evolution to me.

Leaning towards OEC/Progressive or Theistic.

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:38 pm
by JButler
Different interpretations would depend on the "filters" the readers are using. Filters like knowledge of original languages or cultures or practices, etc. Seems the mindset and attitude of people have just as much to do with "alternate readings" at times as level of knowledge.

Many of my "fall into place" times occur between NT and OT. When random bits of Scripture come together and produce another "AH HAH!" moment, like a lightbulb flicking on. Some moments happen between Scripture and sources outside the Bible.

Then there's those times when I feel I'm on the very edge of something very profound, but its just out of reach or a bit off focus.

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:33 pm
by crochet1949
Storyteller wrote:I've just realised something, when I read the Bible I just read it, absorb it, pray about it and just ponder, let it seep into my heart.
I have never tried to figure out what it actually means but I am finding that what I think and believe lines up with Scripture.

Random thought... the Bible is the living Word, so is it possible that every single person will (and possibly) interpret it differently?

An example, Genesis 1 and 2, describe the Big Bang and maybe evolution to me.

Leaning towards OEC/Progressive or Theistic.

Your first sentence is Very important -- the Holy Spirit works in our hearts enlightening us to meet our personal needs.

Yes, our thoughts and beliefs Need to line up with Scripture. We Don't adjust Scripture to what We want to do. When we find ourselves tempted in various areas we need to find out what God's Word says. Sometimes it will be general -- do all to the glory of God. Will going bowling be bringing glory to God? Will it be dishonoring God by the crowd I'm going with, by the language being used by the people I'm with? The act of bowling isn't wrong -- I Supposed to be somewhere else doing something else? Or -- I'm Finally getting out of the house and getting exercise and being around people in a healthy environment.

Reading a passage -- what type of literature is it? History, poetry, etc. There are some passages of Scripture that have been debated for centuries and will continue to be and those first few chapters in Genesis are one of them. It's the book of Beginnings. 1:1 "in the beginning God......" That's the 1st thing some people don't like. That 'someone / something' says there's a God. And then-- the 'beginning'. So -- does a person Believe in the God of the Bible -- and in reality -- that's the only One that exists.

A person CAN simply talk to God about it -- is He Really powerful enough To create this world in 6 / 24-hr days. And like you are pointing out -- there are all sorts of theories thoughts on the subject.

But -- the Most Important Fact of the Bible -- salvation -- how a person can have their sins forgiven. Have the inner peace that everyone wants. The virgin birth, death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:51 pm
by abelcainsbrother
I have always liked reading the bible,even as a kid I liked to read it. And the bible has everything thing in it that a lot of novel books do. It has romance,drama,betrayal,violence,sex,war,warriors,mystery,prophecy,etc in it,the bible is a vast book that covers many things and the more we read and study it the more we learn and grow,but also more is revealed over time like revelations from God. I'm convinced we never get all of God's word,but it can be interesting digging out what we can know.

I approach God's word from the perspective of it is God's word,so it is true and so before we go accepting what man thinks,says,or believes we first need to know what God's word says concerning it and reject what does not line up. You see the more of God's word we know the less likely that we will be deceived about what is true or not.Now when it comes to different interpretations I never consider majority opinion,etc I try to go by what God's word said regardless of if it is popular or not. When dealing with different interpretations it is important to consider them all and then decide which one lines up with God's word the most.This can take time,but I believe it is the only way to know the truth

When it comes to things outside the bible like other theories,etc we first need to examine the evidence behind them before we ever even accept them. But if and when we have examined the evidence behind it and have came to accept it then we can see if it somehow applies to God's word.From years of researching many different things I have learned that if a person focuses on the evidence and really hones in on the evidence behind something you can know whether something is true,false or likely or not likely based on the evidence behind it sometimes though there is just not enough evidence to accept something is true and so you must wait until more evidence comes forth before you can fully accept it. It can be tricky when it comes to what is evidence and what is not when it comes to certain things because people make a very persuasive case for what they put forth as truth. But you get better at picking up on evidence the more you do it.

A good way to research something is to consider what all sides say concerning a particular subject or belief,not just one side,but all sides and see and understand the evidence each side brings to the table to explain why they accept it or reject it. We should never just go on what sounds good to us but should focus on the arguments and evidence each side brings to the table. Sometimes even those who accept it have disagreements here or there about certain things and you can pick up on it to see if it has any merit. This can seem like work,but I've come to realize that if you are interested in something it is actually interesting to learn more about something even if you don't like it or agree with it at first.

This is why when it comes to evolution? I could never try to make it apply to the bible because there is not enough evidence to accept it as true yet. Evolution needs a lot more evidence before I could accept it as true. So this narrowed it down to other creation theories for me that reject evolution.

Now even though I reject evolution based on the evidence behind it,this does not mean I reject other scientific theories,I go on a case by case basis and when it comes to the Big Bang Theory I accept it based on the evidence,however I'm not yet convinced scientists know enough about it to really know if it happened like they explain. I think they have parts of the picture but not yet all of it. The universe is vast and the dirty little secret is man is still ignorant when it comes to the universe.I'm not convinced it happened exactly like they explain it did and think some of it is more imagination than fact. But more is to be revealed.

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:28 am
by Storyteller
I haven't really studied the bible a lot, mainly concentrajting on the four gospels and Genesis along with any verses disccussed in bible sjtudy or any that call to me that are posted here.

I opened a KJ V bible last night (a leather bound that I was going to sell) it fell open at the sermon on the mount. Blessed are the brokuen hearted, downtrodden etc. Am going to limmerse myself in that. JB... Those aha moments... they really are real aren't they? Its weird, God still uses a source that im not familiar with to reach me.

crochet... agreed. It might be difficult sometimes, to interpret but I likea challenge :)

acb... agree with your post apart from the no evidence/it being more imigination than fact. My understanding isthat science doesnt assert facts, merely states the most probable theory backed by data and evidence.

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:57 pm
by crochet1949
Storyteller -- Galatians , Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians are also really good books. And Romans and........ I grew up with the KJV and have gravitated to NKJV and the older NIV. For me they are more reader-friendly.

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:39 am
by Katabole
I try to read the Bible for pleasure as much as I can. But I have studied it intently for years whether to learn something I may have missed or to do a chapter study or a topical study. I try to stick with a good Interlinear Bible to study, I prefer Greens, and older versions to read, as I find the newer versions in the English language have quite a number of glaringly mistranslated phrases. It truly is a fascinating book.

2 Timothy 3:16

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:00 am
by Storyteller
Have read a little of Galatians, verse 5. Will try the others too though I did come across the Beatitudes and they have really captured my attention so I want to study those a little more first.

I do find it hard sometimes, to read, yes, it's probably the best book ever but some of it just doesn't engage with me (yet) I think perhaps, I just need to read verses and bits that grab my attention. Another thought, I need to forget learning it to be able to quote it, I just need to let it seep into my heart.

I use KJV, NIV too, also have The Message (usually given to prisoners, translated to modern language) which really doesn't appeal but quite useful to compare what it translates certain verses as.

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:44 pm
by crochet1949
That's a good way to read God's Word -- just let is seep into your heart. And it Is interesting to compare versions and see what wording is used in each.

Re: Reading the Bible

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:18 am
by JButler
Using parallel versions seems to work pretty good to help me understand. I settled on NIV-ESV using NIV for smoother reading with ESV to cross check. Sometimes out of curiosity or to seek further clarification, I'll bring up NASB then others.

Finding out about the Mounce Greek Interlinear was a real bonus to dig into the Greek behind the English. Bill Mounce does say his Interlinear is an entry level layman's reference, not a comprehensive Greek study.

Recently bought a ESV Student Study Bible and getting used to looking at extra printing on the pages, compared to regular Bibles. Think I'll invest in one with much bigger print! :egeek: