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Russia Claims the Whitehouse Defends ISIS

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 5:31 pm
by Kurieuo
On Saturday, 17th of September, the US coalition planes in Deir ez-Zor struck four times on the positions of the Syrian army, killing 62 and injuring about 100 soldiers of the SAA. The military were surrounded ISIS. The strokes caused by two F-16 aircraft, and two A-10 and combat drone, allowed the terrorists to go on the offensive.
"The ISIS launched attacks on the Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzor only 7 minutes after the US-led coalition's airstrikes on Saturday, a military source said, adding that the air and ground assault were highly coordinated, According to FNA report." (Source:
Neither over the course of daily contact between the Russian and American sides in the Geneva center for operative regulation, nor over the course of practically daily contact between Russian foreign ministry head Lavrov and US Secretary of State Kerry, did the Americans express such plans, Zakharova emphasized.

"Moreover, there was not even a hint of operational plans in the area" - she added - "This suggests that Washington, despite accepting the obligation to separate terrorists from the so-called Moderate opposition, is abandoning the fulfillment of its promises - or is simply powerless to fulfill the obligations it accepted for itself."

"If earlier we were suspicious that Jebat Al Nura was being covered for, then now, after today's strikes on the Syrian army, we have come to a conclusion that is frightening for the whole world: the White House is defending ISIS," she said.(Source: ... ition.html)
The coordination between the four US airstrikes and ISIS moving forward believed to be obvious to those on ground:

This has really escalated, and strangely, I'm not surprised anymore if true. First Hillary sending weapons to ISIS and the like, this is now going beyond conspirator sites and channels and Wikileaks email leaks. Russia has developed a firmer conclusion it seems that the US government is in bed with ISIS.

Re: Russia Claims the Whitehouse Defends ISIS

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:30 am
by B. W.

Re: Russia Claims the Whitehouse Defends ISIS

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:49 am
by JButler
Plus "O"'s family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which is a terror sponsor, but somehow got fast tracked into being accepted as non-profit organization by the "O" Administration.

If this where a court case it would be beyond reasonable doubt where the heart of "O" is.