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Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:25 pm
by Kurieuo
Times ticking before next president change, would Obama start a war? I'm sure Hillary would.

Re: Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:51 pm
by abelcainsbrother
The corrupt people in our government are desperate because they know Trump has a chance to win and so they very well could start a war with Russia to effect the election and we can blame Hillary and the left and the media for restarting the cold war with Russia making up conspiracy theories about how Russia hacked into our system and acting angry toward Russia with absolutely no proof Russia hacked our system. This proves Hillary is the wreckless one who would get us into war and not Trump.They are desperate and panicked that Trump will win and they know it will put them in jeapardy if he wins and have said so.

Kaine Brags About Hillary Restarting Cold War

Re: Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:20 pm
by JButler
I just cannot fathom why we'd go to war with Russia. Seems insane. For what reason? I'm not getting it. Russia could be our best ally against muslim terrorism but this administration (both Sec of State) has done nothing but antagonize Putin, not to mention provide direct support to terrorists who hate America. Again...insane talk IMHO.

Re: Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:48 pm
by Kurieuo
Isn't war always about power and wealth, perhaps pride?

The reason is Russia is Assad-blocking them, while both(Russian and Syrian forces) take out US-West supported "moderate" rebel groups in allegiance with Al-Qaeda in Syria/ISIS. The 7 day ceasefire was meant to allow the US to separate out there "moderates" from Al-Qaeda, otherwise they'd all be fair game. These fighters refused to do and instead were able to regroup together with ISIS forces.

Aleppo being taken back by Russia+Syrian forces, the war is being won against ISIS and these groups who often fight along side ISIS can no longer be used to overthrow Assad. The US "diplomatic" (covert) means to overthrowing Assad has now been thwarted, so now they must step up via Kerry's desired "Plan B" which is to use force i.e., directly bomb and overthrow Assad.

Russia frustrating US efforts annoys the hell out of the current US government. Russia is seen as the enemy for meddling in their agenda and not backing down, and the US isn't backing down either. US really stepped things up with veiled threats that Russia would be having their troops comes home in body bags, and then within days their embassy was shelled in Damascus. Let's just say, that such wouldn't go down well with any nation.

As a side, conspiracies say a war with Russia might benefit Clinton in the polls. It could be the Democrat's own October surprise, but I can't imagine many would think such is a good move. Hollow conspiracy at best.

It is worth noting, that Syria has a rich oil supply: "According to the Oil and Gas Journal, Syria had 2,500,000,000 barrels (400,000,000 m3) of petroleum reserves as of 1 January 2010". Toppling Assad would allow Western affiliated countries to profit greatly. Isn't it always about the oil in the Middle East?

Re: Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:42 am
by melanie
More so, which countries rely on passage through Syria, in oil reserves. Israel
They can't bypass such. Syria is a major oil passage.
Thus why they are of such interest.

interestingly Russia today had the biggest 'bomb scare' hypothetically
40 million bunked down in nuclear resistant facilities. Underground nuclear resistant bunkers built by the government.
That is scary.
Russia facilitating an underground nuclear resistant facility. And getting the population to take part in drills.
Scary times
#who's the enemy

Re: Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:18 pm
by Kurieuo
Something we can agree upon Melanie. ;) y>:D<

Re: Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:33 pm
by Kurieuo

Re: Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:43 am
by melanie
Kurieuo wrote:Something we can agree upon Melanie. ;) y>:D<
Had to happen sooner or later :ewink:

Syria definitely brings up some interesting questions. I actually feel bad saying that quite flippantly on the back of so many that have suffered. I am acutely aware and saddened by the massive loss suffered in this region.
This for me was a driving reason as to the importance of the reasons and history behind the conflict. As in the past has been my interest in Libya and Iraq.
I can say that any dire reason to protect the interests of the people in these regions as any type of reasoning is so flawed it borders on stupidity to argue such.
One may argue whether it's 'acceptable' to acknowledge that personal profit by way of national interest, economics and military gain is justifiable in toppling and 'chess playing' the Middle East but at least it would honest.
At some point when you play such a hand, you may expect or at the very least anticipate that others on the same chess board may grow tired of a manipulated game play and instead of remaining silent pawns may start 'Positioning' themselves with players that serve their interests better.
Russia is not an innocent bystander, without its own interests but they are a significant piece of the 'play' who are positioning themselves, quite cleverly against they guy who keeps throwing all the pieces, not playing fairly, grabbing the chess board and arrogantly claiming the 'win'.
I think it will be a very interesting time to come.
Countries internally disintegrate before they are disabled. History has shown this.
It also shows that every dynasty, super power and regime reaches its imperialism then is surpassed by another.
That is just how the history of mankind has unfolded.
In every century across every age.
If not now, is only a matter of time till when really.

Re: Will US Go To War With Russia?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:52 am
by Kurieuo
Melanie, came across this page that explains much and mentions the Wikileaks leaked email of Hillary aware to Saudi and Qatar funding of ISIS. Nonetheless they pay good blood money, I guess even to the extent Obama tries to prevent victims suing Saudi (claiming it'll allow the US to be sued also, for what, their own crimes? Good!).

Presentation of page is quite dodgy, I have never come across the site before... nonetheless, I'm sure you're aware of some of the info presented, it links to many sources anyway, covers much.

I wish Australia would just steer clear and think for itself. We should break away from the Coalition, but fat chance. I'm really disgusted by our compliance and joint meddling in Syria. It's all quite depressing really.