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More Millennials Agree with Karl Marx

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:24 am
by B. W.
Due to the leftist take over of the educational system we see the fruit...

Survey: More Millennials Agree with Karl Marx

This is in larger part due to how the church has surrendered being light and salt in society and culture and retreated into a fractured divided church bent on appeasing the world rather than actually standing for truth.

No matter who wins the election in the USA - after it is over, will the church go back to sleep or will it combat evil?

If HRC wins, no choice - it will be either fight or fade away blending into the mesh of the world. If it is Trump - will we sigh relief and then go back to business as usual, letting the forces of darkness continue to control the agenda as it has been doing for the past 20 years so that we lose our Bill of Rights freedoms by having them redefined by the left or will we fight by prayer and making a stand against the left?

Luke 21:36 NKJV and Rev 22:20