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Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:14 am
by Unsure1

I recently read several articles/posts that indicate using marijuana was unacceptable by God. These articles made no mention on the use of pharmaceutical drugs. So I thought I would delve into this topic a deeper.

God said that all plants, seeds, trees, flowers, were put on this earth for the consumption of man. Marijuana has been on the earth for thousands of years, and it has been used by basically every culture (as a medicine) for thousands of years. Prior to the 1950's marijuana was not illegal. It has be scientifically proven to be a healing/medicinal plant, without little to no side effects, non-addictive, and most importantly natural.

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which are not natural, have many side effects (some life threating), they are addictive, many change the mental and emotional behavior of those who take them, and they fund illicit corporations. Yes, Big Pharma, is responsible for a lot of the worlds issues. From the lobbyist who bribe our politicians to pass unethical laws, to the harmful chemicals they use to damage our bodies.

As a Christian, I would like to belie that God has more of an issue with pharmaceutical drugs, than with marijuana.

What are your thoughts?


Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:10 pm
by RickD
1) if marijuana can help certain people medically, then I think it should be an option.

2) I think you underestimate the side effects of marijuana.

It can be addictive.

It can change the mental and emotional behavior of its users.

But I think you're right that it may be far less harmful than other pharmaceuticals.

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:39 pm
by Philip
1) if marijuana can help certain people medically, then I think it should be an option.

2) I think you underestimate the side effects of marijuana.

It can be addictive.

It can change the mental and emotional behavior of its users.

Hey, he knows how a good Stooge can go bad!

Before dating Maryjane:


Beginning the romance:


The spliffs only get bigger and bigger!


Larry freaks out!



My advice:


Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:45 pm
by Nessa
I agree with larry.

Also all plants etc meant to be consumed?
What about poisonous ones?

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:38 pm
by AreEl
Mdeicianl pot nveer hrut anybdoy. you crishtins fundmaenltistas are hrutnig yuor caisse cnodenming pot. pot is gods midecianl plnat!!! He put pot on tihs hearth to heel me. an you 2.

Go aawy fnundamnetalsit and let god wrok His mircales.


Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:54 pm
by Kurieuo

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:25 am
by Unsure1
My main reason for writing this post, was to try and get some serious responses to an issue that I know a lot people struggle with. My personal understanding of what God meant, was that things of the earth (plants, fruit, trees, etc) that he created, are good for us, and from all of the historical data showing the use and healing power of marijuana and various other plants, I cannot see how it can be deemed bad. I am not saying that one should go crazy with it, and overuse it, or use for things other than medical purposes, but if a person was to use it wisely, then how can that be a sin? Again, pharmaceutical drugs are much more harmful to the human body, because they are not natural. They are also associated with greed, death, addiction, which are against the laws of God, but I never hear anyone mention these things.

I am trying to determine if medical marijuana is a viable option for a Christian.


Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:31 am
by Unsure1
Nessa wrote:I agree with larry.

Also all plants etc meant to be consumed?
What about poisonous ones?

How do you think a poison plants were discovered? Someone, or something either ate it, touched it, or inhaled it, in order to experience the effect. That is how early man learned what is what.

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:02 pm
by Nessa
Unsure1 wrote:
Nessa wrote:I agree with larry.

Also all plants etc meant to be consumed?
What about poisonous ones?

How do you think a poison plants were discovered? Someone, or something either ate it, touched it, or inhaled it, in order to experience the effect. That is how early man learned what is what.
So obviously it doesnt mean you should necessarily keep doing it whenever and however you like.

My dad was on morphine before he died and I am thankful for it, doesnt mean I want just anyone to be able to get their hands on it as they please.

Same with weed.

I dont think its a substance that should be given without a prescription.

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:27 pm
by Unsure1
It has been used without a prescription for thousands of years. There has not been one reported incident of overdose, or death from it's use. So I am not so sure I want the insurance companies, Big Pharma, and the govt, controlling it. All they want is to profit from it. Greed is bad...

Sorry to hear about your father.

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:07 pm
by Philip

Marijuana does appear to bring pain relief to some.

. The greatest clamor for it, is often from people that are otherwise pro-marijuana, and thus would like to see it normalized as a medicine, so that it also would remove another barrier to also seeing in normalized for typical use. Else, why the focus? Why not the same great chorus screaming for other pain relievers? What needs to be done are well-constructed testings to see if marijuana would ultimately provide a good alternative for some, and in which other drug approaches are less effective, or cost-prohibitive, or whatever. What we don't need are drugs being deemed acceptable based upon pop culture or those asserting it to be some kind of woefully neglected "magic bullet."

. It MIGHT be a good thing for some patients and conditions.

. There MIGHT be much better options that should be available - or that already ARE available.

. IF it offers more positives and no significant negatives, then it should be available BY PRESCRIPTION only, from credentialed physicians. And those with such prescriptions should not have unlimited access, and that access should be periodically reviewed.

. Really, it's become just another "pop culture" cause of the hip and liberals. Notice that amongst medical professionals, it is mostly believed there are much better alternatives for most.

This issue is not different than the reality with most drugs - it should be evaluated upon medical merit and bang for the buck comparisons to other alternatives. Of course, many drugs can be God-sends in strict medical usege, but a dangerous thing in unneeded, prolific, or recreational usage. Deciding the issue per popular or societal debate is a very dumb way to do it.

And I say all of the above as someone who proactively avoided much pain through my girlfriend "Mary Jane" - back when I was 18-19 (back in the Stoned Age) :roll: . Ah, but I did not inhale!

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:09 pm
by Philip
Oh, and for a hilarious look back at Bill Clinton on his trying marijuana - what a hoot!

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:40 am
by Unsure1

I am not sure if you understood my question, but I can see that your viewpoint is quite similar to those in the insurance and medical profession, who do not want to see their profits diminished by an alternative resource, that will basically remove them from the process. Point in case, take a look at how Big Pharma, insurance companies, and our current sickcare system treat holistic and natural medicine. They call it fake, non-legitimate, etc... The insurance companies will not pay for your visit or any of the treatments, all because they do things differently and naturally. There are millions of cases where a natural/holistic doctor has treated and cured people, who fell through the cracks of our current sickcare system. Holistic medicine is becoming more popular due to it being a natural alternative to all the harmful drugs, and 20 minute diagnosis, which really is a farse.

In Europe and Asia, and most other regions of the world, the holistic approach is the norm, and they are all healthier than the people of the US. They also do not have the same type of system as us, where Big Pharma and the insurance companies dictate everything. Our system is really just a money making machine for big business, they do not focus on preventative care, they want us sick, they cannot make money off of healthy people.

But I digress, I am just looking for a biblical, or logical reason, to determine if marijuana usage is a sin, or if God put it on the earth (along with the 1000s of other plants) for our use. And if it is sin, shouldn't pharmaceutical drugs be a sin as well?


Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:21 am
by Philip
But I digress, I am just looking for a biblical, or logical reason, to determine if marijuana usage is a sin, or if God put it on the earth (along with the 1000s of other plants) for our use. And if it is sin, shouldn't pharmaceutical drugs be a sin as well?
If one is using it ONLY for certain, totally medically necessary pain relief, and they've explored all other possible medical options, sought professional medical consultation, then it would be no different from other drugs, as long as, it doesn't cause worse, and thus avoidable, further problems. Morphine - if you've ever had it (I have) gives an amazing feeling - wonderful, actually. It is a Godsend for terrible pain (I was having a locked knee cartilage snapped back into the socket). So, merciful, unsinful. Otherwise usage=sinful. As to your central question, Big Pharma and what it wants is a totally other issue - separate for the sin question. Altering one's senses UNNECESSARILY or harmfully is always sin!

Re: Marijuana vs Pharmaceuticals

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:09 am
by bbyrd009
i would be guided by "you reap what you sow" there, personally. If "Reefer Madness" does not tell you all you need to know, then further seeking might reveal that Big Business/Big Pharma could not compete with hemp or pot, on any level, and these are why they were outlawed.

Ford made a car out of hemp, and powered it with fuel made from hemp; and had plans to convert production of model Ts to this paradigm...and then suddenly, he didn't.

Hemp is also high in Protein, and Omega 3.

So, the current "legalization" (of something that should not even be regulated, and used to be required of a landowner to grow) of pot, because $, might be viewed in the context of pimping it out so some few people can get rich, or iow "the American Way."

Ergo, black market is the only moral choice.