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Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:55 am
by PaulSacramento ... l-service/

The passage from Surah 19, which specifically denies that Jesus was the Son of God and says He should not be worshipped, was sung during a Eucharist service at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow to mark the feast of the Epiphany.

A video of the recital was posted on YouTube showing a girl singing the passage in a typical Islamic style. It narrates the Islamic account of the birth of Jesus, which includes the claim that Mary was “ashamed” after giving birth, and the infant Christ miraculously spoke from the cradle – something not found in Christian scripture.

She then concludes by singing verse 35, which states in translation: “It befitteth not the Majesty of Allah that He should take unto Himself a son,” and then verse 36, which has the infant Jesus saying: “And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him. That is the right path.”

The cathedral praised the reading in a Facebook post, calling it a “wonderful event”.

Wow, just, wow...

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:57 am
by PaulSacramento
And: ... layground/
The Islamic State is back with another child-soldier video that is even more depraved than the last “Cubs of the Caliphate” release. This time around, the terror state gives us a small child blowing a chained prisoner’s head off in an abandoned amusement park. reports that the new video appeared on ISIS social media channels on Sunday, under the title “Sometimes With His Own Blood,” but it has also been posted under the name “He Revived Me by His Blood.” The footage was shot in Deir ez-Zor, Syria. The prisoners executed in the video are said to be Kurdish fighters.

Most of the children, dressed in military fatigues and stalking through an abandoned amusement park, executing prisoners tied to the inert rides, look to be around 10 years old. One of them performs a gruesome knife beheading on a captive.
No words...

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:44 am
by Hortator
It's the 21st century, front lines are history. The battle is both everywhere, and nowhere; it is not a war with bombs and bullets, but it exists in the hearts and minds of everyone in Western civilization.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:44 am
by RickD
It's Breitbart. Probably fake.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:57 am
by Stu
RickD wrote:It's Breitbart. Probably fake.
Rubbish, Breitbart produces plenty of good content. You sound like a leftist libtard. Don't go there.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:00 am
by Stu
Politically correct idiots are determined to wreck Christianity or bring about Chrislam.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:36 am
by RickD
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:It's Breitbart. Probably fake.
Rubbish, Breitbart produces plenty of good content. You sound like a leftist libtard. Don't go there.

I knew that would get a rise out of someone.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:42 am
by PaulSacramento
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:It's Breitbart. Probably fake.
Rubbish, Breitbart produces plenty of good content. You sound like a leftist libtard. Don't go there.
Rick was kidding.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:20 am
by Stu
RickD wrote:
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:It's Breitbart. Probably fake.
Rubbish, Breitbart produces plenty of good content. You sound like a leftist libtard. Don't go there.

I knew that would get a rise out of someone.
Bastard :D

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:30 am
by Kurieuo
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:It's Breitbart. Probably fake.
Rubbish, Breitbart produces plenty of good content. You sound like a leftist libtard. Don't go there.

I knew that would get a rise out of someone.
Bastard :D
Gosh, I didn't know a bunch of you were anti-Semitic Nazi collaborators, to listen to the likes of Breitbart.


Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:14 am
by edwardmurphy
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:It's Breitbart. Probably fake.
Rubbish, Breitbart produces plenty of good content. You sound like a leftist libtard. Don't go there.
Leftist libtard? That seems like the kind of statement that only a narrow-minded, fearful, halfwit would make, and based on your previous posts I think that sums you up nicely.

Breitbart isn't news, it's agenda-driven punditry. This story - which really isn't worth printing - is a great example. Oh no, some kid read from the Koran in some church somewhere! By this time next week we'll all be living under Sharia law! Stoke up the outrage generator! Fire up the blogs! We have to get the word out!!!

If members of that specific congregation have concerns about the event then they can speak to their pastor. It's nobody else's business, and aiming the weaponized international outrage machine at them is vicious, irresponsible, and fascist. Would you want powerful outside influences shining a spotlight on your church or community pressuring you to do things their way? I'm guessing not, so mind your own [love] fences already! If you don't want a Muslim kid reading from the Koran in your church then feel free to preemptively speak to your own pastor. Or actually, don't. They're probably pretty busy and are unlikely to be thinking of doing that, so maybe don't waste their time.

And folks, please note that my comment about Stu isn't directed at Republicans, Christians, or Conservatives, just at Stu. He may be a member of all those groups, but that doesn't makes him representative of any of them.

And Phil, I'm trying to be nice here, but "leftist libtard" is fighting words. If Stu wants to tone down the hate and stupidity I'll happily meet him on more civilized grounds.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:47 am
by melanie
Ohh for FFS!!!
I am lost for words
Can I begin with, I have done the research. Follow that up by..... What a load of bollocks.
This is NOT news!!!!!!!!!

Nowhere, not anywhere in the actual realm of news is there any story nor any footage of a toddler executing a prisoner.
How on earth are we meant to navigate ahead when we are so lost in propganda.
We have a responsibility, I've said it before, to at the very least forge our opinions based on some kind of factual information. But we don't.
We haven't
Screw the Internet, what a scrounge on society.
All its has accomplished is purposeful brainwashing with the intent to divide on every side and its succeeded.
I'm very dismal regarding the future, like lambs to the slaughter.
The good Lord gave us a spirit, a free spirit. To be free thinkers.
Not slaves to the world.
In these times we need to be free thinking believers.
Independent of the garbage and propaganda.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:01 am
by Stu
edwardmurphy wrote:
Stu wrote:
RickD wrote:It's Breitbart. Probably fake.
Rubbish, Breitbart produces plenty of good content. You sound like a leftist libtard. Don't go there.
Leftist libtard? That seems like the kind of statement that only a narrow-minded, fearful, halfwit would make, and based on your previous posts I think that sums you up nicely.

Breitbart isn't news, it's agenda-driven punditry. This story - which really isn't worth printing - is a great example. Oh no, some kid read from the Koran in some church somewhere! By this time next week we'll all be living under Sharia law! Stoke up the outrage generator! Fire up the blogs! We have to get the word out!!!

If members of that specific congregation have concerns about the event then they can speak to their pastor. It's nobody else's business, and aiming the weaponized international outrage machine at them is vicious, irresponsible, and fascist. Would you want powerful outside influences shining a spotlight on your church or community pressuring you to do things their way? I'm guessing not, so mind your own [love] fences already! If you don't want a Muslim kid reading from the Koran in your church then feel free to preemptively speak to your own pastor. Or actually, don't. They're probably pretty busy and are unlikely to be thinking of doing that, so maybe don't waste their time.

And folks, please note that my comment about Stu isn't directed at Republicans, Christians, or Conservatives, just at Stu. He may be a member of all those groups, but that doesn't makes him representative of any of them.

And Phil, I'm trying to be nice here, but "leftist libtard" is fighting words. If Stu wants to tone down the hate and stupidity I'll happily meet him on more civilized grounds.
Why thank you for that! :D

Well leftist libtard wasn't aimed at you either but you seem determined to make the shoe fit....

As for Breitbart - point out one story that turned out false.... Unlike say CNN which just ran an obviously fake news story, and got hammered for it.

By the way where do you get your news from?

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:15 am
by melanie
Would you believe me if I said its all bulls*it. Mostly anyway.
Your variety along with the rest.
But good luck.
You have a President, just about that refuses to acknowledge CNN, the flavour of the day. News flash, it's all shite!!!
Perhaps You'de prefer Twitter.
Your new President seems to think that's a relevent platform for news and discussion.
God help us all.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:47 pm
by RickD
melanie wrote:Would you believe me if I said its all bulls*it. Mostly anyway.
Your variety along with the rest.
But good luck.
You have a President, just about that refuses to acknowledge CNN, the flavour of the day. News flash, it's all shite!!!
Perhaps You'de prefer Twitter.
Your new President seems to think that's a relevent platform for news and discussion.
God help us all.
Spoken by a true leftist libtard! :lol: