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Difference Between Religion and Jesus

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:37 pm
by Kurieuo
The story of the prodigal son as expounded by Jewish Christians. Simple story, but it's one of my favourites.

Highlights and puts in context "repentance" and the role of religions in helping us get to God.

Re: Difference Between Religion and Jesus

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:43 am
by patrick
This is one of the big things that makes Christianity feel real to me. Most other religions feel too much like a game or a test to me. Like we have to "win" at what God has laid out for us, and everything else is just there to separate the winners from the losers. With Christianity, it feels a lot more like it gets to the heart of the issue -- remorse, humility, etc -- and lays bear all the games with a challenge that only an honest seeker can fully acknowledge.