Friend with biblical objections

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Friend with biblical objections

Post by bippy123 »

Hey everyone , I was on YouTube debating Ndes and being my usual dorky self when I came across a cool dude Named Rickey .

He used to be a seminary student and left Christianity and became an atheist for numerous biblical
Reasons like for example : no archeological evidence for Abraham , exodus and other bible based objections . Maybe you all an start a dialogue on these concerns .

Twitter is ok for me and as you know my position isn't the greatest for a detailed drawn out discussion .
He's a cool dude and we have many things in common , except I'm a bigger dork ;)

He's already agreed to come over to the forum so I'll alert him to this thread with a link to it
God bless :)
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Re: Friend with biblical objections

Post by Jac3510 »

Less of a discussion but I'd start with a question. Suppose his arguments hold water. It seems to me that, at most, he's attacking biblical inerrancy. And more precisely, he's attacking a particular understanding of biblical inerrancy. So how does it follow that if certain events in Scripture did not happen as they are described or did not happen at all, even if the events so described are merely myths (in the proper sense of the word) or etiological accounts of some particular tradition or practice as is held by many critical scholars, how does that lead to atheism?

Put more succinctly:

1. The Bible contains historical and other errors;
2. ?
3. Therefore, God does not exist

What's the missing premise?
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Friend with biblical objections

Post by bippy123 »

Jac this is the problem . I think he has an all or nothing view in the bible plus he also talks about how Constantine messed everything up by not finding the real tomb of Jesus .
I really hope my friend shows up here and sees things from a more moderate perspective like we all have :
I have given him the link to this thread , he's probably a bit busy with work today
Let's see
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Re: Friend with biblical objections

Post by Philip »

I would humbly suggest, that whenever encountering a person we know to be unsaved, that is asking good questions, sincerely is seeking answers, or maybe even asking the wrong questions, that we FIRST offer them food suitable for a baby that can only digest and understand information at a certain level. Sometimes, on this forum, I see studied, technical slice and dice theological rabbit trails that are unhelpful to a seeker. I say, FIRST provide what is helpful that God might use to open a person's mind and heart. And, of course, what is helpful will be different from person to person. I'd just like us to be more cognizant of keeping our eyes on the ball - that there is a person that needs Christ, that we don't want to merely win arguments or overwhelm them with things that are unproductive to their current understandings.

It also calls for a lot of grace - a lesson I surely need to personally work on.
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Re: Friend with biblical objections

Post by bippy123 »

Guys he is so ending time with his ill
Son . Can you all put his son in your prayers .
He will visit the thread after his son recovers :)
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Re: Friend with biblical objections

Post by B. W. »

bippy123 wrote:Guys he is so ending time with his ill
Son . Can you all put his son in your prayers .
He will visit the thread after his son recovers :)
Yes, will do...

Make a suggestion to him to watch Patterns of Evidence: Exodus... It is on Netflix and Youtube.

see what he says...
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Re: Friend with biblical objections

Post by Philip »

And also these three books:


Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition ... 019513088X


Ancient Israel in Sinai: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition ... 0195155467

Also, from Egyptologist Kenneth Kitchen:

Image ... 0802803962
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Re: Friend with biblical objections

Post by bippy123 »

Thanks guys I'm sure he will go through the great info supplied once he he's here .
God bless
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