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Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:09 am
by B. W.
Black Lives Matters alive in well in Canada

Black Lives Matter co-founder appears to label white people ‘defects’

Wow, racism is not dead is it?

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:19 am
by PaulSacramento
Canada is a breeding ground for SJW and Political correctness.
It is our self-indulgent politeness.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:39 am
by B. W.
PaulSacramento wrote:Canada is a breeding ground for SJW and Political correctness.
It is our self-indulgent politeness.
Oh Canada! Oh Canada!

Should be renamed - Poor Canada! Oh Poor Canada!

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:33 am
by PaulSacramento
We pride ourselves in our (suicidal) predisposition to be nice and not hurt anyone's feelings.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:15 pm
by RickD
Not only are white people less than human, we're also the devil.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:46 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Nationalism can be very contagious I mean we had Brexit in the UK and now Trump in the US.Canada needs to catch up!

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:30 pm
by IceMobster
"melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge
we are the first and strongest of all humans and our genetics are the foundation of all humanity!
therefore white people are recessive genetic defects. this is factual."

The only thing factual here is that she is deranged and delusional.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:07 pm
by Hortator
IceMobster wrote:"melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge
we are the first and strongest of all humans and our genetics are the foundation of all humanity!
therefore white people are recessive genetic defects. this is factual."

The only thing factual here is that she is deranged and delusional.
She could be on to something, if she were born 150 years earlier when such crackpot science was accepted regarding race. :pound: Also I hope I'm not actually related to you, with all due respect Yusra Khogali!

Still, I feel pity for the poor woman.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:34 pm
by RickD
"melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge"
I can't be the only one who knew this to be fact. Come on people! This is basic science!

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:12 pm
by edwardmurphy
This is a great cautionary tale for anyone who's inclined to spout crazy nonsense. If you say bugnutty, bonkers things like "whiteness is not humxness" or "liberals are communist Nazis" your idiotic statements will immediately be used to discredit you and everyone you claim to represent.

As the eminent Dr. Kevles says in the article:
“The anger and frustration that animates the Black Lives Matter movement is altogether understandable, but the way to contest pseudo-science and white prejudice is not with an alternative pseudo-science and black prejudice, it is with moral argument and political action.”
Excellent advice, indeed.

Thanks, B.W., for illustrating this important point.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:30 pm
by B. W.
edwardmurphy wrote:This is a great cautionary tale for anyone who's inclined to spout crazy nonsense. If you say bugnutty, bonkers things like "whiteness is not humxness" or "liberals are communist Nazis" your idiotic statements will immediately be used to discredit you and everyone you claim to represent.

As the eminent Dr. Kevles says in the article:
“The anger and frustration that animates the Black Lives Matter movement is altogether understandable, but the way to contest pseudo-science and white prejudice is not with an alternative pseudo-science and black prejudice, it is with moral argument and political action.”
Excellent advice, indeed.

Thanks, B.W., for illustrating this important point.
So then - this is okay?



Ed and double standard is a double standard so please stop stop Projecting what the left really is upon the right...

Stop it...

Brown shirt tactics involve the use of intimidation, threats, forcing business owners out of business, beat downs, violence, paid protesting, provocateuring, racism, bigotry, force limits upon free speech, political terror promoted as action, and such like.

You must prove the left does not do these things... not me...

The truth on the news exposes the real brown shirts and yes, even they, the left, project what they really are upon the opposition so they gain pubic support based upon mindless slogans.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:01 am
by edwardmurphy
Oh, B.W....

Me: People should stop saying crazy [poop] because it makes them look ridiculous, weakens their arguments, and reflects poorly on them and whatever group they claim to represent.

You: They do it so I can too!!! Liberals are Nazis!!! Gaaah! Bargle, bargle!

I'm not sure what broke in your head to keep you from grasping this simple concept, but I'm opposed to most of the things you support so go ahead and dial the crazy up to 11. I'm not interested in trying to make conservative Christians look like lunatics, but if you insist on doing it who am I to try and stop you?

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:40 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:Oh, B.W....

Me: People should stop saying crazy [poop] because it makes them look ridiculous, weakens their arguments, and reflects poorly on them and whatever group they claim to represent.

You: They do it so I can too!!! Liberals are Nazis!!! Gaaah! Bargle, bargle!

I'm not sure what broke in your head to keep you from grasping this simple concept, but I'm opposed to most of the things you support so go ahead and dial the crazy up to 11. I'm not interested in trying to make conservative Christians look like lunatics, but if you insist on doing it who am I to try and stop you?

Just curious...

Why would you take something that one person of a particular group says, and apply it to all in the group?

You're saying that B. W. is saying crazy stuff, and then you're saying he's making conservative Christians look like lunatics.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:46 am
by Jac3510
But doesn't it make conservative Christians look like lunatics, Rick? Sure, there are enlightened people who will see B.W.s rhetoric as the vapid a vile hatemongering that it is and won't apply it to me and you. That is, there are some people who won't hold him against us. But there are a lot, and I mean a LOT, of people that can't make that distinction. He's embarrassing. He needs to stop it. And he demonstrates why in his own post. He doesn't just talk about individual leftists making Hitler comparisons. He talks about "the left" generally. That's what human beings do unless we try hard not to. We taken token instances to be representative of the whole, just like B.W. does with certain leftist writers. Just like they reflect poorly on normal people who hold fiscally and socially liberal views--views with which you and I strongly disagree--B.W. and his ilk reflect poorly on normal people who hold fiscally and socially conservative views. Ed himself might not and I suspect doesn't make the equation of B.W. with all conservatives. But I think in large part that is sort of his ongoing point. Lay off the rhetoric and stop holding up the worst examples of stupid statements from either side as representative of the real debate out there.

Or not, and keep complaining out brown shirts and Nazis. Keep making conservatives and Christians look like idiots. In the meantime, there are people with family out there who really were murdered by brown shirts. But sure, keep dishonoring them by calling SJW snowflakes little Nazis.

Re: Oh Canada not you to!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:01 am
by RickD
jac wrote:
But doesn't it make conservative Christians look like lunatics, Rick?

Conservative Christians who believe in the virgin birth, a man is God, He rose from the dead, etc., look like lunatics.

Wouldn't you agree, Brian?