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George W. Bush

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:32 pm
by Anonymous
George W. Bush what does everyone think of him? Personally i think its awesome to have a christian president in our favor, The people who call on God's name seem to find his favor more than those who dont have u noticed? Well recently i heard a song by the rapper eminem putting down Bush our president, Yes we are entitled to our own opinions but to go as far as tell him F**k him is obsurd. Im think that even though our troops are still there its sad i must say and i pray they will be safe, but maybe Bush has a good reason maybe he knows something we dont so why not just stay out of it? I mean come on no one has the responsibilty the president of the United States has, That is a heavy load to carry on his shoulders every single day. Im into politics i find it quit interesting to learn others backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions on the way our country should be put together. I think Bush is trying his best to put Jesus into the center of our world, So far it looks like it is working , yes there have been some attaks like our troops being in Iraq for this long but God did not promise us he would give us eternal life without living life, this is life.


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:55 pm
by August
Agree with you. :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:30 pm
by Deborah
Is it not great that Your Country has the freedom for it's citizens to be able to have freedom of speech, even in songs and rapping.

Love it or hate it, freedom is freedom, God gave us the freedom to come to him or not. Likewise the people of the USA and the world have the freedom to agree with Mr Bush or not.

It's great that you guys think your country and leader is terrific, but whey do you think it's better than any other place on Gods earth.

Most of us live in great Countries, our governments often leave alot to be desired, but we have something many in this world do not have and that is freedom.

if Mr Bush wants to do something truly remarkable for our world, he should kick the United nations in the butt, because United nations is a joke!
they are a toothless tiger and they do not aspire to be any better.
if we want our world to be a better place, nations need to be United and make it so, not sit back and leave it to a handful. it should not be good enough for us to be part of the nations who actually move foward and take it on themselves to act like the World Police. The United nations are suppose to be the World Police, and they need to be dragged into the picture dicking and screaming if the need be.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:19 pm
by Anonymous
I believe there should be PEACE - power exalaiming all country's everywere!

But unfortunaly i am not the president, im happy im not either what heavy load and possibly burden one would feel. I think our country is awesome free but yes needs to be united. I feel as though the attaks on septemeber 11th were a tragedy but in ways it untited our country in peace people began to pray together but now sometimes i wonder is it just the media that remebers it because everyone everywhere are going on like it never happen. So i say one thing, who are we to judge others? who are we to sit back and watch our world go to waste? Oviously no one who can make a diffrence. I hope one day that our world can unite together but its very doubful because if im correct the lord says nations will turn against nations and brother against brother in the end times. I believe that were close to the end, But im glad i know a God so good to give peace in our hearts to let us know we are his people that we shine as bright as we think we shine. So im not gunna give up my fight for my country, That is the freedom to speak my mind to others and is what i plan on doing.


Re: George W. Bush

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:54 am
by Anonymous
OnFire4God wrote:Personally i think its awesome to have a christian president in our favor,
I hope you mean that he always wants to do the best thing?
The people who call on God's name seem to find his favor more than those who dont have u noticed? Well recently i heard a song by the rapper eminem putting down Bush our president, Yes we are entitled to our own opinions but to go as far as tell him F**k him is obsurd.
How so? Also, check the spelling of the emboldened word.
but maybe Bush has a good reason maybe he knows something we dont so why not just stay out of it?
MAYBE? MAYBE he knows SOMETHING??? I think what George Bush knows is that there is a lot of oil in Iraq. If you are in to politics, you really need to think outside the box more. Consider for a second a country where EVERY decision government made, no matter how ridiculous, would be put into action simply because the electorate gave the president the benefit of the doubt. That is not my idea of a democracy,
people need to be critical of decisions when they are unsure the evidence justifies it. George Bush needs to be held accountable for his actions. Doesn't your "stay out of it" comment go completely against your later comment about being interested in politics?

If we leave them to it, who knows what will happen? "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".
I think Bush is trying his best to put Jesus into the center of our world, So far it looks like it is working ,
From your perspective, I suppose that's great! Spreading the love and general good stuff of Christianity!

But consider the people who aren't religious, or have another religion. Is this promoting diversity? No, it's quashing the fundamental principles upon which your country claims to stand. Let me put it this way. If a bloke called, I don't know, Mohammed Isbil became president of the USA, a very strict Muslim (like George is a traditional Christian). This guy is going to make schools teach Islam and the Qur'an and how the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina was given this sacred text by god himself, etc etc. (Just like your George has introduced Creationism in elementary schools to be taught alongside the sciences) How would you feel? Something like this, maybe:


Am I close?
yes there have been some attaks like our troops being in Iraq for this long but God did not promise us he would give us eternal life without living life, this is life.

No, this is death. And the sheer ignorance and apathetic narrow-mindedness of some people genuinely frightens me. And it's spelt

Re: George W. Bush

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:19 pm
by bizzt
Verita wrote:
I hope you mean that he always wants to do the best thing?
I don't think any leader knows what is completely best for the Country? But he has to do the best that He can!

How so? Also, check the spelling of the emboldened word.
It was spelled wrong so what?
MAYBE? MAYBE he knows SOMETHING??? I think what George Bush knows is that there is a lot of oil in Iraq. If you are in to politics, you really need to think outside the box more. Consider for a second a country where EVERY decision government made, no matter how ridiculous, would be put into action simply because the electorate gave the president the benefit of the doubt. That is not my idea of a democracy,
people need to be critical of decisions when they are unsure the evidence justifies it. George Bush needs to be held accountable for his actions. Doesn't your "stay out of it" comment go completely against your later comment about being interested in politics?
Who Doesn't know there is alot Of OIL in Iraq? It however is not the richest in Oil!!! Plus do you know where his Heart is? It is great to spread a rumor but have you heard George say he was after their Oil or maybe he is truly there to Free Iraq from Terrorism. Do you believe that Saddam should have stayed in Power?
If we leave them to it, who knows what will happen? "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Absolutely I agree and SADDAM HUESSEIN is one of those people!!


Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:05 pm
by Felgar

Iraq was only about oil to the extent that stability in the entire region is favourable to the US (and everyone else for that matter, I'll point out) and the best way to ensure stablity is to give freedom to the people. The actual oil in Iraq is actually pretty meaningless and really not all that important. Tell me, what would a president value more: Some Caribou and seals in the Arctic or 1500 US soldiers, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and how many hundreds of billions? My point is that if oil was the main concern there's many other easier ways to get it than this! In fact, the US doesn't even need to worry about oil, among other reasons because it's been projected that the tar sands in Northern Alberta alone have more oil than the whole of Saudi Arabia. And finally, take a look at some of the oil companys lately. Encana just posted a Q4 profit of 2.58 Billion, and that's just one company. How many hundreds of billions could the industry divert to developing new energy sources as oil becomes harder to find? You could probably develop a pretty good hydrogen car with 100 Billion dollars. :) The point is that there's plenty of oil yet, and there's easier ways to get it than to going to war - the entire oil plot is red hering rambled off by the uneducated who derive their statistics, morals, and critical thinking capabilities by watching Micheal Moore films.

What the war in Iraq was really about is that Bush knew that if Saddam ever had the capability he would strike the US with whatever force he could muster, and in the process possibly kill millions of US citizens. Personally I don't care if he had WMD or not because as far as I'm concerned Saddam was always plotting against the US... Iraq was already at war with the US; just not dumb enough to declare it. It was a preemptive war, plain and simple. And while I don't like the precedent, I feel that Bush was right to do what he thought he needed to do for protection of his citizens. Too bad Chamberlain didn't do the same.

"I think Mussolini and the Pope are the worst … after that Litinov … [and] Hitler, who is a visionary rather than a gangster, is by far the least evil of the lot.”
- Pre 1937, Philip Kerr (member of British government) quoted in Gilbert, Roots of Appeasement, p 165

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:00 am
by August
I think what George Bush knows is that there is a lot of oil in Iraq.
Why don't you present some proof that the war was about oil, instead of just propagating conspiracy theories?
George Bush needs to be held accountable for his actions.
What actions are those? He was, and the American people agreed with him.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:08 am
by August
No, it's quashing the fundamental principles upon which your country claims to stand. Let me put it this way. If a bloke called, I don't know, Mohammed Isbil became president of the USA, a very strict Muslim (like George is a traditional Christian). This guy is going to make schools teach Islam and the Qur'an and how the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina was given this sacred text by god himself, etc etc. (Just like your George has introduced Creationism in elementary schools to be taught alongside the sciences) How would you feel? Something like this, maybe:
Please show in what country the USA government has enforced Christianity. Also, you know nothing about the creation/evolution debate in American schools, as can be seen from your pathetically wrong statements.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:45 pm
by Deborah
I have to say this, and I opoligise now.
If the United Nations had got off it's ASS, instead of sitting on it's hands, then the USA would not be out in front for the world to attack!
I do not nessasary like what Mr Bush, Mr Blair and Mr Howard have done, but I respect them for taking a stand when the United Nations wouldn't.
To say I respect doesn't mean I have to like it.

As for Religion in Public Schools, the world is more worries about being politically correct than serving god.
It's not ok for schools to teach Evolution as anything but the theory it is!
I can cope with religion not being taught in schools, but when they teach Evolution as a fact it is a lie!

I don't believe in violence, but I don't believe the innocent should suffer, and the people of Iraq are innocent. When I weigh this up on the scale, I see that such violence is necasary to protect innocent lives, and that saddens me emensly.

Re: George W. Bush

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:23 pm
by Kurieuo
Verita wrote:If a bloke called, I don't know, Mohammed Isbil became president of the USA, a very strict Muslim (like George is a traditional Christian). This guy is going to make schools teach Islam and the Qur'an and how the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina was given this sacred text by god himself, etc etc. (Just like your George has introduced Creationism in elementary schools to be taught alongside the sciences) How would you feel? Something like this, maybe:

While many of your statements are false, I'll just respond to the part on how I'd feel. You weren't at all close with how I'd feel, because:

1) He is entitled to his beliefs, and would have been elected based on them. So I'd expect him as elected president, to carry through with what he believes, and not treat other peoples beliefs as if they were as true as his own.

2) It is not bigotry of any kind. Yet, to cast a slur upon anyone who takes their beliefs seriously and as truth, that is beginning to become intolerance.

3) Has he got a gun to your head telling you what is right and wrong? In any case, I'm sure you wouldn't want rapists, murderers and so forth roaming the streets. And if you do, well then I'd call you morally corrupt, and therefore you would not be worth listening to on such matters.

Now as for the religious texts part, it appears that you simply wish to impose your own beliefs onto others about them not being taught. Isn't this as you put it: "BIGOTRY OF THE HIGHEST DEGREE"? Ahh, but I see. It's not bigotry if it is your beliefs being pushed. :roll:


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:41 am
by Anonymous
if Mr Bush wants to do something truly remarkable for our world, he should kick the United nations in the butt, because United nations is a joke!
I agree. If only the UN were a joke I could laugh. Instead they are a gathering of the waste of the world. Pretending to be dignitaries they are an oozing cancer on the face of the world.

Accusing Bush of wrongdoing and evil intentions -- they thought he was what they were seeing in the mirror. It seems they had interests in Iraq that had to do with oil and they were willing to let the captive citizens of Iraq suffer for their petty gain.

(I had better use spell-check because it would invalidate my point if there was a mis-spelling here.) :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:48 pm
by Prodigal Son
i can't stand bush. the mere mention of his name makes me want to vomit. i think he is a hypocrite. i don't see anything christian about him.