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Gallup poll finds to fill pews - preach scripture

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 12:59 am
by B. W.

Re: Gallup poll finds to fill pews - preach scripture

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:29 pm
by JButler
Totally agree. Speaking for myself I feel like I go away hungry, unfilled most times. Our church has slipped into the rut so many have that in trying to bolster plummeting attendance/membership the meat has been removed over the years. But this causes a vicious cycle of lower numbers and less meat gets lower numbers. You end up with Cheetos instead of steak and potatoes.

The choir is 1/2 to 1/3 the size it was 30 years ago and most of the remnants are silver haired. The young are not filling in the ranks of the old. The choir and pipe organ used to really put out stirring, fulfilling hymns. Now the organ is rarely used since the praise band was blended into the traditional choir part and the result is less than inspiring. I can see the disappointment in the choir's faces when the band takes over.

Sermons are a short pep talk instead of teaching the Bible. "Controversial" material is avoided and the congregation is left rudderless and unequipped to deal with the world issues confronting them. To borrow a line from Leslie Nielsen "it leaves you hollow inside".

A similar type of article appeared in The Washington Post of all places. Pretty much the same message to churches, people going away unfilled are going to stay away. ... 2b4e4848e4
That's one of the things I really enjoy about the BSF Bible study. Being with a group of people who want to be there to learn, to worship, to interact and share the Gospel and inspire one another. Plus our "pastor" does a pretty good sermon to go along with the week's lesson. I feel at home and wish we had an additional hour to be together.