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colonizing moon/other worlds

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:23 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
Is it Scripturally sound that we can colonize other worlds? Like Mars or the Moon?
It does say somewhere that the angels will take the elect from one end of heaven from another. Why did they say heaven and not earth? Makes one think, that at the time of the Second Coming, could there be colonies on other planets/moons?

Re: colonizing moon/other worlds

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:46 pm
by Gabrielman
Is it possible that we will have such colonies? I'd say yes. Is it a sin? I don't believe so. At least from my perspective, we should go out and explore God's great creations. There is nothing in the Bible that says "thou shalt not go out and explore all God has made". I believe it's a healthy thing to be willing to be a pioneer and go see what no human eye has seen before, and live in places where the environment is hostile towards life. I for one would love to live on Mars if it weren't for those I have here that I love dearly. I love Mars, space, and exploring these things, and I think it would be more of an insult to God to not want to see all He has made.

That's just my opinion though. I don't have anything from the Bible for or against that, and this is one of those things that should be tested against the Word of God. I admit I don't have sufficient knowledge in this area, but nothing I've found so far has lead me to believe that we shouldn't be willing to colonize other planets and moons.