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Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:32 am
by theophilus
The Bible teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman and that in God’s eyes a same sex “marriage” is not a marriage at all. This is simple and is something that anyone can easily understand. At least it would be simple if it weren’t for the current transgender movement. A transgender person is one who perceives himself to be of the opposite to his biological sex. Some transgenders go far as to have sex change surgery which makes them appear to be of the opposite sex. When one of these people decides to marry the question of what is a same sex marriage becomes unclear.

Suppose a man and a woman decide to marry. If one of them was born as a member of the opposite sex and had a sex change operation is their marriage legitimate or is it a same sex union?

Suppose two members of the same sex want to marry but one of them was born as a member of the opposite sex. Is their marriage a same sex marriage or do they have a right to get married according to God’s laws?

Each cell in the human body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. One pair determines the sex of the individual. Each chromosome is either an x or a y chromosome. A person with two x chromosomes is female, while one with an x and a y is male. Sex change operations have no effect on a person’s chromosomes. If a same sex couple marries and one of them is transgender, they are technically of different genders, so the marriage is permissible, but the cisgender member of the marriage is engaging in sexual activity with a person who is outwardly of the same gender, so he is violating the prohibition against sexual involvement between members of the same sex.

The transgender movement has raised a lot of questions about sex and marriage that we didn’t need to think about in the past. I don’t know the answers to these questions but I believe Christians should be aware of them so we can find answers and be prepared when we encounter these situations in real life.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:05 pm
by jpbg33
If a woman were to have a sex change then later get saved and married a man. It would not be sin for eather of them. the sex change would have been a past sin of the woman and if she was saved she would know longer dress or try to act like a man. If she dose then she really never got saved.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:48 pm
by Philip
jpbg: If a woman were to have a sex change then later get saved and married a man. It would not be sin for eather of them.

Why stir controversy over a silly "fringe" issue?

But I'll bite, anyway: Assuming we're speaking of a woman that transitions to becoming ("a man") - while genetically still a woman, such a person almost surely would be presenting herself sexually as a man - which would mean the man she marries would have desires sexually for another man - which IS sin. And the other question would be, even if genetically a man and woman, are they both saved?
jpbg: the sex change would have been a past sin of the woman and if she was saved she would know longer dress or try to act like a man. If she dose then she really never got saved.
Unless she has transitioned physically back to being woman, this means that the man marrying her would be sexually desirous of a person currently and physically living in the image of a man - dress and mannerisms don't change that fact - so, sin! As for salvation, the ONLY criteria God uses for salvation if for one to embrace and confess Jesus - so, she could be saved, but would likely be a person with serious psychiatric issues. Anyone marrying such a person with such gender confusion would be making a huge and risky mistake. We're to be wise about our decisions - especially when it comes to who we marry - such disregard for that Godly advice - just more sin.

jpbg, please try to discuss more meaningful issues that might be of value on the forum. Unlike this issue.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:38 pm
by jpbg33
If she is saved she will be dressing and looking like a wamen not a man. Therefore a man attracted to them would be attracted to a wamens finger not a man's. If she is acting and bressing like a man then she is not saved.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:47 pm
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:If she is saved she will be dressing and looking like a wamen not a man. Therefore a man attracted to them would be attracted to a wamens finger not a man's. If she is acting and bressing like a man then she is not saved.
From what are you basing any of this?

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:20 pm
by jpbg33
The Bible itsays if you are saved you will not live in sin.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:40 pm
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:The Bible itsays if you are saved you will not live in sin.

The Bible says that a man that has his twig and berries removed, but still has the DNA of a man, and acts and dresses like a man, is not saved?

Could you post the Bible verses that go into detail and state this?

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:18 am
by jpbg33
That is not what I am saying. What I am saying is if a man has a sex change then later gets saved he well know longer try and act or dress like a wamen but he will act and dress like a man to the best of his ability. Then if he later Marries a wamen it is not sin. Because as a Christian he will be acting and dressing as a man so the lady would not be attracted to a wamen but to a man without tools. So what!
Are you saying that if for some unknown reason a man had to have them removed for a medical reason then it would be a sin for him to get married.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:49 am
by PaulSacramento
jpbg33 wrote:The Bible itsays if you are saved you will not live in sin.
Or does the bible say that you are not supposed to sin again?

Those that accept Jesus are saved BUT because we are human, we may/will sin again.
Salvation does not equal being God and only God is sinless and only God does not sin.
Even saved humans are still just humans.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:03 am
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:
jpbg33 wrote:The Bible itsays if you are saved you will not live in sin.
Or does the bible say that you are not supposed to sin again?

Those that accept Jesus are saved BUT because we are human, we may/will sin again.
Salvation does not equal being God and only God is sinless and only God does not sin.
Even saved humans are still just humans.

From our conversations before with jpbg, he's shown his works-based salvation beliefs.

So it shouldn't surprise us when he says things like this.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:58 am
by PaulSacramento
It's sad that for some people, what Jesus did was not enough.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:02 am
by abelcainsbrother
jpbg33 wrote:The Bible itsays if you are saved you will not live in sin.
I actually tend to agree with you but I think you're not expressing yourself or the point you are trying to make correctly and so the point you are trying to make is being drowned out because of the way you are presenting your point.I think you need to sit back and think about the point you're trying to make so that you can present it in a more thruthful way.Thanks.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:45 pm
by Hortator
To describe the entire process as a "removal" is greatly under-expressed.

A medical odyssey is more appropriate, probably as long as Odysseus' own expedition.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:36 am
by jpbg33
As Christians we are not still sinners. The term I'll just a sinner saved by grace is incorrect if you are referring to your self as still being a sinner.

If you are a Christian you are no longer a sinner.

Sinners are those who live in sin and Christians do not live in sin.

It is like this I have worked on my on car once or twice but I am still not a mechanic.

Sinners sin like mechanics fix cars.

Christians may sin like how I may fix my car but if a Christian sins he will confess his sin and repent and turn away from it he well not live with it.

Christians are humans and can make mistakes but we do not have to. We can live above this world.

One differents the Bible give about Christians that most people dismiss is that sinners can not help but sin it is impossible form them to live above sin, but Christians can live a above sin. We do not have to sin ever again. Through God power and Him working though us we can live out our lives without ever sinning again.

Re: Transgenders and same sex marriage

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:58 am
by RickD
jpbgakaGodintheflesh wrote:
We do not have to sin ever again. Through God power and Him working though us we can live out our lives without ever sinning again.

Of all the unbiblical things you have said here, and there are a lot, this is probably the most unbiblical, untrue, and the most ignorant thing you've ever posted.

Please don't poison this board with your false christ theology anymore.