What if Hillary had won?

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What if Hillary had won?

Post by ultimate777 »

Give us your take on what the last year would have been like had Hillary won. Don't spare the details.

I'm bad at details so I am calling on those who aren't.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Partial Birth Abortions 101 would be the way of the future so that the sick people running our government behind the scenes can drink fetus blood believing it makes them look younger.This is why Planned Parenthood was caught selling baby parts of aborted fetuses for their sick rituals.The pedophile ring is fully involved too.Yet now with Trump as President and once he appoints atleast 5 Supreme Court judges to the bench before he is finished Roe vs Wade is very likely to be overturned and sent back to the states.Just so you know abortion has never been about a woman's right to choose but sick rituals for the baby parts of fetuses for sick pagan-like rituals.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by edwardmurphy »





Seriously, Abe, that's completely insane. You actually believe those things?
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by ultimate777 »

edwardmurphy wrote:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!




Seriously, Abe, that's completely insane. You actually believe those things?

Couldn't have put it better, Ed.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!




Seriously, Abe, that's completely insane. You actually believe those things?

Yes.I don't listen to or get my news from the biased liberal MSM and so I am informed.You're going to be shocked when you see people in our government busted for being a pedophile and just how massive the pedophile ring is and you're going to be shocked to find out how many administrations both Republican and Democrat knew about it and did nothing to stop it too.It is coming and unlike the lies like Trump colluded with the Russians this is real true news and many in our government will be going to jail for it.I'm going to remind you too when it happens,so don't go anywhere.Look out John Podesta who worked for Hillary.You're not informed because the MSM will not report about it now eventhough pedophiles have been being arrested all over the place.Only local news outlets have reported on them in the cities where they were arrested and it is eventually going to go all the way back to higher-ups in our government.Drain the swamp!
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by B. W. »

Simple, we would be no longer the United States.

Game over simple.

Poverty, despair, US of Venezuela...
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by ultimate777 »

B. W. wrote:Simple, we would be no longer the United States.

Game over simple.

Poverty, despair, US of Venezuela...
You know better than that.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Abe, in the unlikely event that your crazy conspiracy theory turns out to be true you're welcome to say you told me so. Until then I'm going to stick to my position that it's nonsense and you're astonishingly gullible.

B.W., I have an observation. It seems like your brand of apocalyptic nonsense is becoming increasingly common among the right wing punditry. I think it's a mistake that's going to bite you in the ass in the next few years. Some in your generation might enjoy, and perhaps even believe, all exaggerations and hyperbole, the redefining of terms, the hypocritical hissy fits, the deliberate misunderstanding of liberal views, and the endless attempts to politicize everything imaginable, but the younger generation is profoundly skeptical of your nonsense.

They don't believe in trickle down economics. They don't want gay marriage prohibited or state marijuana laws overruled by the Feds. They think the Dreamers deserve to be here. They understand that the jobs that were once entry-level positions are often the best ones available these days, and they resent the hell out of the politicians that reject raising the minimum wage and simultaneously give huge tax breaks to the rich. They know the meaning of words like socialism, fascism, and capitalism, and they know that you're using them incorrectly. In short, they're not convinced by your alternative reality and they're not afraid to live in a changing society. The dishonesty, hyperbole, and transparent double standards of right wing politicians and pundits are laying the groundwork for a socialist political revolution.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by Mallz »

edwardmurphy wrote: :blah: :blah: :xxpuke:
So says Ed, the self-important and entitled spokesperson of the 'younger generations' :pound:
You live in such a small, delusional bubble. get out in the real world sometime, yeah?
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by edwardmurphy »

I'm not self-important, entitled, or a member of the younger generation, and I've been on my own in the real world for about 30 years. I'm nobody's spokesman, either. I'm just making an observation.

Also, thanks for joining the conversation. Your empty-headed bile is always a treat.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by Hortator »

This is why I call him The Mirror. Everything you place in front of him is turned into the inverse of what it actually is. Put the letter 6 in front a mirror, it looks like 9. Hold a book up and it looks illegible.

Purposeful. Reflexive. Contrarianism.

But can you blame him? New England, union teacher, he’s natural to hold such views. Though the atheism deserves further explanation.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Hortense, I'm pretty consistent in my disagreement. Tell me water is wet or the sky is blue and I'll agree. Tell me that one anonymous claim about the wind redirecting a missile is definitive proof of a miracle or that the mirror image of a 6 is a 9 and I'll tell you to put more thought into what you're saying. Make fewer dumb statements and well have fewer disagreements.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:Abe, in the unlikely event that your crazy conspiracy theory turns out to be true you're welcome to say you told me so. Until then I'm going to stick to my position that it's nonsense and you're astonishingly gullible.

B.W., I have an observation. It seems like your brand of apocalyptic nonsense is becoming increasingly common among the right wing punditry. I think it's a mistake that's going to bite you in the *** in the next few years. Some in your generation might enjoy, and perhaps even believe, all exaggerations and hyperbole, the redefining of terms, the hypocritical hissy fits, the deliberate misunderstanding of liberal views, and the endless attempts to politicize everything imaginable, but the younger generation is profoundly skeptical of your nonsense.

They don't believe in trickle down economics. They don't want gay marriage prohibited or state marijuana laws overruled by the Feds. They think the Dreamers deserve to be here. They understand that the jobs that were once entry-level positions are often the best ones available these days, and they resent the hell out of the politicians that reject raising the minimum wage and simultaneously give huge tax breaks to the rich. They know the meaning of words like socialism, fascism, and capitalism, and they know that you're using them incorrectly. In short, they're not convinced by your alternative reality and they're not afraid to live in a changing society. The dishonesty, hyperbole, and transparent double standards of right wing politicians and pundits are laying the groundwork for a socialist political revolution.
I know it is hard to believe especially because of how shocking it is,but you liberals and the MSM ignored Wikileaks and the DNC e-mails they leaked thanks to Seth Rich.CNN lied and told you that it is against the law to read them and that they will tell you anything you need to know about what is in the e-mails and so you don't know what was in the DNC e-mails because you have relied on the liberal MSM to inform you.

It all started in the DNC e-mails though but alot has been done since then about it and yet again you're not informed.But if you don't believe me then how come Trump signed that Executive order last week freezing the financial transactions of human traffickers? Pedophilia.

Also here is another hint at what liberals in your party have been getting into since Trump won and that would be Satanism.It is the liberal news media too.
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/mu ... story.html
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:Abe, in the unlikely event that your crazy conspiracy theory turns out to be true you're welcome to say you told me so. Until then I'm going to stick to my position that it's nonsense and you're astonishingly gullible.

B.W., I have an observation. It seems like your brand of apocalyptic nonsense is becoming increasingly common among the right wing punditry. I think it's a mistake that's going to bite you in the *** in the next few years. Some in your generation might enjoy, and perhaps even believe, all exaggerations and hyperbole, the redefining of terms, the hypocritical hissy fits, the deliberate misunderstanding of liberal views, and the endless attempts to politicize everything imaginable, but the younger generation is profoundly skeptical of your nonsense.

They don't believe in trickle down economics. They don't want gay marriage prohibited or state marijuana laws overruled by the Feds. They think the Dreamers deserve to be here. They understand that the jobs that were once entry-level positions are often the best ones available these days, and they resent the hell out of the politicians that reject raising the minimum wage and simultaneously give huge tax breaks to the rich. They know the meaning of words like socialism, fascism, and capitalism, and they know that you're using them incorrectly. In short, they're not convinced by your alternative reality and they're not afraid to live in a changing society. The dishonesty, hyperbole, and transparent double standards of right wing politicians and pundits are laying the groundwork for a socialist political revolution.

LOL! the Democrats have been practicing trickle down economics too,Ed,where have you been? The Democrats run on making the rich pay their fair share and sticking up for the little guy,but the Democrats never have.It is all just a talking point to get elected and the young liberals you speak of know that Bernie ran as a real socialist and that the DNC rigged the election against him and gave it to Hillary and they think that Trump's tax cuts were Bernie's ideas that Trump adopted too becaue he raised the taxes on the rich,but only really helped the poor and middle class with tax cuts.The rich will pay more taxes overall. And when they see Trump's tax cuts work and they have more money in their pocket they will love Trump's tax cuts and they'll realize the democrats lied to them. Tax cuts always stimulate the economy and increase tax revenue to the government and Trump's tax cuts will too,just like when JFK(democrat),Ronald Reagan(republican)and George W Bush(republican)cut taxes.

Also them wedge issues you bring up are states rights issues that each state can decide,not the Federal Government.This is the way things are going with Trump.This is the Libertarian part of Trump.
Last edited by abelcainsbrother on Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: What if Hillary had won?

Post by Mallz »

edwardmurphy wrote:I'm not self-important, entitled, or a member of the younger generation, and I've been on my own in the real world for about 30 years. I'm nobody's spokesman, either. I'm just making an observation.

Also, thanks for joining the conversation. Your empty-headed bile is always a treat.
Always ready to regurgitate your haughty empty thoughts out of my system ;)
You'r observations follow your intellectual laziness and dishonesty as predictable.
If you don't like being these things (including being self-entitled and important), then it's quit simple: stop.
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