Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

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Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Blessed »

The MSM is reporting this as a lucky shot. I don't see any mention of who they got the anti-aircraft missile from or whom may have pinpointed the supersonic jets location and trajectory.

This is why I do not support the U.S. Israel Alliance as it exists today. Judeo Christian is an oxymoron. All the Christians out there who blindly support Israel, for inferred religious reasons, like Philip, are older, set in their ways, and not seeing the truth.

We should not even be involved in any of these wars. None. Nor any proxy war with Russia. We should have no military alliance with Israel. Since the entire end game objective for Israel is Zionism. This "alliance" is temporary. Only one party comes out victorious in the end. And it's not Christianity, the West or Russia.

Russia already revealed what really happened in Libya, and who was behind it, and it's obvious the same thing is at play in Syria.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Stu »

Blessed wrote:The MSM is reporting this as a lucky shot. I don't see any mention of who they got the anti-aircraft missile from or whom may have pinpointed the supersonic jets location and trajectory.

This is why I do not support the U.S. Israel Alliance as it exists today. Judeo Christian is an oxymoron. All the Christians out there who blindly support Israel, for inferred religious reasons, like Philip, are older, set in their ways, and not seeing the truth.

We should not even be involved in any of these wars. None. Nor any proxy war with Russia. We should have no military alliance with Israel. Since the entire end game objective for Israel is Zionism. This "alliance" is temporary. Only one party comes out victorious in the end. And it's not Christianity, the West or Russia.

Russia already revealed what really happened in Libya, and who was behind it, and it's obvious the same thing is at play in Syria.
Doesn't the Bible say that those who stand against Israel will in turn have bad things happen to that nation?
Don't ask me for verse and chapter as I can't remember.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by melanie »

Blessed what happened in Libya was awful and should never have happened. Gaddafi was building an independent nation and was instrumental in turning Libya around, he was revolutionary. He was paramount to the progression of democracy in the Middle East/Africa.
He was not a submissive player but through policies and its implications he turned things around and was 100% dedicated to his people.
The propaganda that entitled the US to invade and assisinate Gaddafi is totally inline with subsequently what happened with Iraq and now Syria.
Watch this space Iran is next...
Butt the fok out and leave the autonomy of its governance to the people.
When atrocities arcorss the globe happen everyday....genocides and nobody gives a crap unless it’s happening in a region that benefits the few then the hypocrisy is rife!!
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by RickD »

melanie wrote:Blessed what happened in Libya was awful and should never have happened. Gaddafi was building an independent nation and was instrumental in turning Libya around, he was revolutionary. He was paramount to the progression of democracy in the Middle East/Africa.
He was not a submissive player but through policies and its implications he turned things around and was 100% dedicated to his people.
The propaganda that entitled the US to invade and assisinate Gaddafi is totally inline with subsequently what happened with Iraq and now Syria.
Watch this space Iran is next...
Butt the fok out and leave the autonomy of its governance to the people.
When atrocities arcorss the globe happen everyday....genocides and nobody gives a crap unless it’s happening in a region that benefits the few then the hypocrisy is rife!!
And Hitler rebuilt Germany after WWI, and was an all-around "great guy" in Germany, until he became a psychopath.


You know there are other news sources you can frequent besides Al Jazeera?
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by melanie »

Haha that’s actually funny Rick, because like I’d be so one dimensional to gather my sources from one particular news source that’s suits my purpose. I’m not a conservative.
Aww I thought you would know me better than that lol.
I don’t even subscribe to AlJazerra, or what ever it’s called. I know it’s difficult when intellectual and independent study shows definitive actions by your own country but it’s okay I don’t hold it personally against you. One would only hope that the blinded masses might wake up
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Philip »

Blessed: All the Christians out there who blindly support Israel, for inferred religious reasons, like Philip
That's an idiotic statement - you've obviously cherrypicked my words to put up such a false statement! Israel is no nation of saints. I certainly, willing call them, as a nation, upon their sins. But I'm also not blind to the hate and rage of nations desiring their destruction, who have done all they can to attack the Jews. But this hatred of the Jews is pushed generationally through the Muslim world's holy book - religious-based, self-justifying hatred. There is also much hatred on the Jewish side. Note that the Bible shows God to be both pro-Israel and pro-other inhabitants of the region, and in fact, of the nations of the world (which the Bible says ALL nations will be represented in the Heaven to come!)
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Blessed »

melanie wrote:Blessed what happened in Libya was awful and should never have happened. Gaddafi was building an independent nation and was instrumental in turning Libya around, he was revolutionary. He was paramount to the progression of democracy in the Middle East/Africa.
He was not a submissive player but through policies and its implications he turned things around and was 100% dedicated to his people.
The propaganda that entitled the US to invade and assisinate Gaddafi is totally inline with subsequently what happened with Iraq and now Syria.
Watch this space Iran is next...
Butt the fok out and leave the autonomy of its governance to the people.
When atrocities arcorss the globe happen everyday....genocides and nobody gives a crap unless it’s happening in a region that benefits the few then the hypocrisy is rife!!
AGREE.... 100%
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Blessed »

Stu wrote:
Doesn't the Bible say that those who stand against Israel will in turn have bad things happen to that nation?
Don't ask me for verse and chapter as I can't remember.
I am not sure. Philip might know the answer. :P

I can't answer your question because I don't know if "stand against Israel" is equivalent to raising consciousness against Israel's international insidiousness. In many Christians minds the answer is an automatic yes. Just by me even saying these things I would automatically be labeled antisemitic.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Blessed »

Philip wrote:
Blessed: All the Christians out there who blindly support Israel, for inferred religious reasons, like Philip
That's an idiotic statement - you've obviously cherrypicked my words to put up such a false statement! Israel is no nation of saints. I certainly, willing call them, as a nation, upon their sins. But I'm also not blind to the hate and rage of nations desiring their destruction, who have done all they can to attack the Jews. But this hatred of the Jews is pushed generationally through the Muslim world's holy book - religious-based, self-justifying hatred. There is also much hatred on the Jewish side. Note that the Bible shows God to be both pro-Israel and pro-other inhabitants of the region, and in fact, of the nations of the world (which the Bible says ALL nations will be represented in the Heaven to come!)
I'm sorry if I misunderstood but in other posts I distinctly got the feeling you were one of these baby boomer Pro-Israel Christian neo-con types. ;)

Thank you for the clarification though.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by DBowling »

Stu wrote: Doesn't the Bible say that those who stand against Israel will in turn have bad things happen to that nation?
Don't ask me for verse and chapter as I can't remember.
First let me start by saying that I would probably be considered one of those "neo-cons" who from a political perspective considers the current political entity of Israel to be a very important ally to the political entity knows as the United States (my country). I think from a geopolitical perspective that the United States should protect its most important political ally in the Middle East from enemies who wish to destroy it.

That said, it is also important to differentiate between the political entity known as Israel today and God's covenant people identified as Israel of God in the New Testament.

Here are some New Testament Scriptures that describe who is and who is not part of Israel of God
John 8:39-47
39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.
“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”
“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
Romans 2:28-29
28 A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. 29 No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.
Romans 9:6-8
6 It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. 7 Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” 8 In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.
Galatians 3:26-29
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 6:14-16
14 May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. 16 Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule—to the Israel of God.
Being part of Israel of God is not a function of national political association or ethnicity.
A person becomes part of Israel of God when they put their faith in Jesus, the Jewish Messiah and King of the Jews.
This includes the faithful ethnic remnant of Israel who have put their trust in Jesus the Messiah and it also includes Gentiles who have been grafted into Israel of God through faith in Jesus the Messiah.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Hortator »

These idiots shot down their ONLY friend in the world.

Don’t tell me Syria isn’t a s*****le.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Blessed wrote:The MSM is reporting this as a lucky shot. I don't see any mention of who they got the anti-aircraft missile from or whom may have pinpointed the supersonic jets location and trajectory.

This is why I do not support the U.S. Israel Alliance as it exists today. Judeo Christian is an oxymoron. All the Christians out there who blindly support Israel, for inferred religious reasons, like Philip, are older, set in their ways, and not seeing the truth.

We should not even be involved in any of these wars. None. Nor any proxy war with Russia. We should have no military alliance with Israel. Since the entire end game objective for Israel is Zionism. This "alliance" is temporary. Only one party comes out victorious in the end. And it's not Christianity, the West or Russia.

Russia already revealed what really happened in Libya, and who was behind it, and it's obvious the same thing is at play in Syria.

I really don't see what supporting Israel or not has to do with this Russian plane being shot down.But they were armed by the Deep state "Neocons" who love regime change and they want Assad taken out.The problem is Trump has shut much of their operation down and they are not happy about it.But they are still trying to stir things up.Trump has sent Troops into Syria to block ISIS terrorist so that Russia can take them out and many ISIS terrorists have been taken out,but not entirely.They are trying to put pressure on Donald Trump to get tough with Russia also but he would rather try to get along with Russia.Trump is not a "neocon" and is not going along with their regime change plans and they are very angry about it.They have been planning this stuff for years and Donald Trump is shutting it down. But it is clear that Trump still does not have full power over all of the US forces and there are rogue CIA forces controlled by the "Deep State" out there and they were able to shoot down the Russian plane thanks to the "neocons" in our government who armed them with the weapons to be able to shoot it down.Everyday Trump is gaining more and more power over them though but there are still rogue CIA elements out there. You are seeing North Korea propaganda also where they are exaggerating the threat of North Korea.The "Deep State" is desperate and they would love to see a war against North Korea,but it is not going to happen,but you're seeing the propaganda out there.Be glad that Trump is not a "neocon" and would rather focus on improving America.But he is having to shut these things down and it takes time.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Blessed »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
Blessed wrote:The MSM is reporting this as a lucky shot. I don't see any mention of who they got the anti-aircraft missile from or whom may have pinpointed the supersonic jets location and trajectory.

This is why I do not support the U.S. Israel Alliance as it exists today. Judeo Christian is an oxymoron. All the Christians out there who blindly support Israel, for inferred religious reasons, like Philip, are older, set in their ways, and not seeing the truth.

We should not even be involved in any of these wars. None. Nor any proxy war with Russia. We should have no military alliance with Israel. Since the entire end game objective for Israel is Zionism. This "alliance" is temporary. Only one party comes out victorious in the end. And it's not Christianity, the West or Russia.

Russia already revealed what really happened in Libya, and who was behind it, and it's obvious the same thing is at play in Syria.

I really don't see what supporting Israel or not has to do with this Russian plane being shot down.But they were armed by the Deep state "Neocons" who love regime change and they want Assad taken out.The problem is Trump has shut much of their operation down and they are not happy about it.But they are still trying to stir things up.Trump has sent Troops into Syria to block ISIS terrorist so that Russia can take them out and many ISIS terrorists have been taken out,but not entirely.They are trying to put pressure on Donald Trump to get tough with Russia also but he would rather try to get along with Russia.Trump is not a "neocon" and is not going along with their regime change plans and they are very angry about it.They have been planning this stuff for years and Donald Trump is shutting it down. But it is clear that Trump still does not have full power over all of the US forces and there are rogue CIA forces controlled by the "Deep State" out there and they were able to shoot down the Russian plane thanks to the "neocons" in our government who armed them with the weapons to be able to shoot it down.Everyday Trump is gaining more and more power over them though but there are still rogue CIA elements out there. You are seeing North Korea propaganda also where they are exaggerating the threat of North Korea.The "Deep State" is desperate and they would love to see a war against North Korea,but it is not going to happen,but you're seeing the propaganda out there.Be glad that Trump is not a "neocon" and would rather focus on improving America.But he is having to shut these things down and it takes time.
Hi I like your assessment. I hope you're right. Trumps Presidency makes me wonder..How much power does the President have by himself.
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by Kurieuo »

melanie wrote:Blessed what happened in Libya was awful and should never have happened. Gaddafi was building an independent nation and was instrumental in turning Libya around, he was revolutionary. He was paramount to the progression of democracy in the Middle East/Africa.
He was not a submissive player but through policies and its implications he turned things around and was 100% dedicated to his people.
The propaganda that entitled the US to invade and assisinate Gaddafi is totally inline with subsequently what happened with Iraq and now Syria.
Watch this space Iran is next...
Butt the fok out and leave the autonomy of its governance to the people.
When atrocities arcorss the globe happen everyday....genocides and nobody gives a crap unless it’s happening in a region that benefits the few then the hypocrisy is rife!!
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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Blessed wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Blessed wrote:The MSM is reporting this as a lucky shot. I don't see any mention of who they got the anti-aircraft missile from or whom may have pinpointed the supersonic jets location and trajectory.

This is why I do not support the U.S. Israel Alliance as it exists today. Judeo Christian is an oxymoron. All the Christians out there who blindly support Israel, for inferred religious reasons, like Philip, are older, set in their ways, and not seeing the truth.

We should not even be involved in any of these wars. None. Nor any proxy war with Russia. We should have no military alliance with Israel. Since the entire end game objective for Israel is Zionism. This "alliance" is temporary. Only one party comes out victorious in the end. And it's not Christianity, the West or Russia.

Russia already revealed what really happened in Libya, and who was behind it, and it's obvious the same thing is at play in Syria.

I really don't see what supporting Israel or not has to do with this Russian plane being shot down.But they were armed by the Deep state "Neocons" who love regime change and they want Assad taken out.The problem is Trump has shut much of their operation down and they are not happy about it.But they are still trying to stir things up.Trump has sent Troops into Syria to block ISIS terrorist so that Russia can take them out and many ISIS terrorists have been taken out,but not entirely.They are trying to put pressure on Donald Trump to get tough with Russia also but he would rather try to get along with Russia.Trump is not a "neocon" and is not going along with their regime change plans and they are very angry about it.They have been planning this stuff for years and Donald Trump is shutting it down. But it is clear that Trump still does not have full power over all of the US forces and there are rogue CIA forces controlled by the "Deep State" out there and they were able to shoot down the Russian plane thanks to the "neocons" in our government who armed them with the weapons to be able to shoot it down.Everyday Trump is gaining more and more power over them though but there are still rogue CIA elements out there. You are seeing North Korea propaganda also where they are exaggerating the threat of North Korea.The "Deep State" is desperate and they would love to see a war against North Korea,but it is not going to happen,but you're seeing the propaganda out there.Be glad that Trump is not a "neocon" and would rather focus on improving America.But he is having to shut these things down and it takes time.
Hi I like your assessment. I hope you're right. Trumps Presidency makes me wonder..How much power does the President have by himself.

I listen to the X22Report and over months he has been covering what is happening in Syria and The Middle East and how Trump is shutting down much of Neocon plans for regime change.The President has alot of power however these neocon plans have been in place for years and it takes time to shut it down and gain total control over their plans,but Trump has made much progress as they did not get the regime change in Syria that they wanted and Russia is helping the Syrian government take out the terrorists created by our CIA.Trump is really angering the Deep State and they do not like what he is doing and they would love to find a way to stop him,but everyday he is gaining more and more power and control over them.The good news is except for these rogue CIA elements out there the US Military is on Trump's side and is and has been protecting him and they will continue to too.

Check out this US Military video the US Military put out two weeks ago if you don't believe the US Military is on Donald Trump's side.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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