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Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:01 pm
by Philip ... m-11137254 :esurprised:

I'm very skeptical - more so of the supposed exorcism than of the asserted possession, although I'm quite skeptical of that as well. The idea that using ritual and "holy" water can remove the demonic is not seen in Scripture. It's only the power from ad the invoking in the name of Christ that has such ability.

A related question: Does Satan WANT people to know that he and his demonic buddies exist? Would he not be more effective if they think he doesn't?

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:27 pm
by RickD
Video not working for me. All I'm seeing is still pictures with blurred out faces.

Kinda reminds me of early 1980's wrestling, when Blackjack Mulligan used the claw on his opponent, and they used to put a big x across the screen for dramatic effect.

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:22 pm
by RickD
Oh, and FYI,

Holy water works on exorcisms and vampires. Everybody knows that.

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:27 pm
by Philip
Here's a better descriptive link: ... st/558314/ - I don't think the actual exorcism is available online. But what the CC asserts is that exorcism requires an experienced, skilled priest, carefully followed ritual, "holy" water, and lengthy verse chanting in Latin, etc. - which is unScriptural nonsense! ANY believer can, in the name of Christ (the only power capable of doing this), cast out a demon. None of what the CC asserts about this is true - it's just one more dependency upon priests and ritual, as opposed to upon Christ.

Note, in the film, the possessed woman has been "exorcized" eight times before - what does that tell you?

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:17 pm
by LittleHamster
This story is going around quite a bit at the moment. Looks like the Muslims need help too.

"Muslims queuing up to have demons EXORCISED by Catholic priests" ... n-exorcist


Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:37 pm
by abelcainsbrother
I have seen an actual exorcism and so I am not skeptical one-bit about them.Demon possession is real but is rare as most people are demon oppressed but not possessed.There is a difference between Demon possession and Demon oppression.

Although any Christian is capable of casting out demons I do believe that it is better to have knowledge of demon possession and even experience with dealing with it because demons are not always cast out despite the desire to.As demons have rank and there are weak demons and stronger demons to deal with.

Jesus even taught that prayer and fasting was needed for certian demons to be cast out as the disciples ran into problems one time trying to cast out demons and they could not because it was a more stronger type of demon.

I believe that Christians have different callings and gifts God/Holy Spirit gives them and so certian Christians are just better at certian things than other Christians are according to their gift/calling.This does not mean one is more powerful,etc than another one but just that we all have different gifts/callings as the body of Christ.

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:09 am
by RickD
Philip wrote:
Note, in the film, the possessed woman has been "exorcized" eight times before - what does that tell you?
It tells me that she's a well paying satisfied customer.

I wonder how much money has been taken in, performing these "exorcisms".

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:11 am
by RickD
abelcainsbrother wrote: Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:37 pm I have seen an actual exorcism and so I am not skeptical one-bit about them.Demon possession is real but is rare as most people are demon oppressed but not possessed.There is a difference between Demon possession and Demon oppression.

Although any Christian is capable of casting out demons I do believe that it is better to have knowledge of demon possession and even experience with dealing with it because demons are not always cast out despite the desire to.As demons have rank and there are weak demons and stronger demons to deal with.

Jesus even taught that prayer and fasting was needed for certian demons to be cast out as the disciples ran into problems one time trying to cast out demons and they could not because it was a more stronger type of demon.

I believe that Christians have different callings and gifts God/Holy Spirit gives them and so certian Christians are just better at certian things than other Christians are according to their gift/calling.This does not mean one is more powerful,etc than another one but just that we all have different gifts/callings as the body of Christ.
I don't think Philip is saying that he's skeptical of exorcisms nor possession. I think he was saying that he's skeptical of this particular instance.

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:53 am
by Philip
I'm merely noting a huge contradiction of Catholic teachings vs. what Scripture says about exorcism - and that the Catholic Church mumbo-jumbo ritual is a bunch of nonsense. All it does is further belief in the unnecessary need and supposed powers for priests specializing in exorcisms and their related Catholic Church rituals. And that exorcisms noted in scripture are simple commands done in faith in the power or Christ for the demonic to vacate their victim. It is quite possible that demons are using peoples' wrongfully placed faith in the effectiveness of those rituals to make it appear that they are successful, or even temporarily so. As all the demonic has to do is produce dramatic symptoms and manifestations of possession, act as if the ritual is working and torturing them, and then they complete the deception that the ritual has been effective by merely going quiet - making it appear that the ritual was effective, as opposed to simple faith in the great power of Christ to genuinely remove the demonic (which Scripture teaches in direct refutation of this faith placed in pointless ritual and dependency upon priests).

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 7:32 am
by B. W.
Philip wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:53 am I'm merely noting a huge contradiction of Catholic teachings vs. what Scripture says about exorcism - and that the Catholic Church mumbo-jumbo ritual is a bunch of nonsense. All it does is further belief in the unnecessary need and supposed powers for priests specializing in exorcisms and their related Catholic Church rituals. And that exorcisms noted in scripture are simple commands done in faith in the power or Christ for the demonic to vacate their victim. It is quite possible that demons are using peoples' wrongfully placed faith in the effectiveness of those rituals to make it appear that they are successful, or even temporarily so. As all the demonic has to do is produce dramatic symptoms and manifestations of possession, act as if the ritual is working and torturing them, and then they complete the deception that the ritual has been effective by merely going quiet - making it appear that the ritual was effective, as opposed to simple faith in the great power of Christ to genuinely remove the demonic (which Scripture teaches in direct refutation of this faith placed in pointless ritual and dependency upon priests).
This is what the bible says on the subject...

Php 2:10, "...that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth..." NKJV

Mark 16:17, "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons..." NKJV

Tee idea of believe has more to do with 'loyal, committed sold out to follow Jesus as a way life" more than mere intellectual belief.

The ancient Babylonian method of expelling spirits involve rituals such as use of - water -

Why water? According to the ancient pagan cosmology, water represented the Abuz or the abyss as we know. The spirits came from the abyss and don't want to go back their so Holy Abuz water chases them away. Much of the RC method mirrors that ancient paganism, however, they add the name of Jesus to the formula and who knows?

The woman exercised 8 times tells me someone is playing games to seek attention. There are folks like that in the world who want that kind of attention and they continue to demand one exorcism after another just like a hypochondriac does with illnesses.

My 2 cents worth...

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 1:57 am
by LittleHamster
Hamster's Possession and Exorcism 101

Q. How do people get possessed ?

A. By doing some new-age meditation, dabbling in the occult, taking lots of drugs, psychological trauma. These will definitely open up doorways and expose you to attack. Another way is when nasty people try and send you a curse or artificially created demon (negative elemental).

Q. What things attack ?

A. Three main attack vectors: (i) Negative elementals (thought forms) created either by yourself or by others. - these are what Jesus called 'deaf and dumb spirits' (ii) Elemental projections of Lucifer (the Shamaels) or simply 'demons'. (iii) Departed spirits of people or animals. (The real nasty one's are the Shamaels).

Q. Why do they attack ?

A. Law of attraction. Once the psychological doorway is open and you are 'vibrating' in a corrupt manner, elementals go straight in - instantaneously and attach themselves to you. Even if no psychological doorway is open, there is a very small chance you can still get possessed i.e., during sleep, etc.

Q. If i'm 'vibrating' in accordance with the Christ logos will I get attacked ?

A. No. But rarely are people vibrating in a non-corrupt manner.

Q. What actually happens if i'm vibrating in a similar manner to the Christ Logos and open a doorway to the other side, will I get possessed ?

A. If an attack is attempted, all demons, negative elementals, etc will either be too scared, refuse to attach to you (bounce off) or will not be attracted to you in the first place.

Q. How Does one protect themselves if they feel they are under attack ?

A. Two common methods (i) By prayer and covering oneself with the precious blood of Jesus Christ (ii) Advanced mystics use the six pointed star (star of david) during meditation (i.e. visualizing the star surrounding you). This is sometimes called the "Shield of Jesus".


A. Exorcism Time. At this point you're basically a goner. If you're possessed, you aren't thinking straight anymore, so your best bet is to seek help (i) Get someone else to take the thing off you and put it onto themselves and allow them to get rid of it. (ii) Find an advanced practitioner in mysticism with authority to remove it. (iii) Super Super Intense prayer - reading passages from the bible constantly. This takes an enormous amount of concentration and could go on for days, months or even years. (iv) Get a priest to pray for you. This can be hit and miss and depends upon the spiritual authority given to the priest.

Q. Does it matter if i'm 'under the law' or under Grace ?

A. No. But under Grace, you will be given assistance in getting help if you fall prey to this nastyness. If you are 'under the law', you are likely to end up in a mental asylum.

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 2:49 am
by Stu
LittleHamster wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 1:57 am Hamster's Possession and Exorcism 101

Q. How do people get possessed ?

A. By doing some new-age meditation, dabbling in the occult, taking lots of drugs, psychological trauma. These will definitely open up doorways and expose you to attack. Another way is when nasty people try and send you a curse or artificially created demon (negative elemental).

Q. What things attack ?

A. Three main attack vectors: (i) Negative elementals (thought forms) created either by yourself or by others. - these are what Jesus called 'deaf and dumb spirits' (ii) Elemental projections of Lucifer (the Shamaels) or simply 'demons'. (iii) Departed spirits of people or animals. (The real nasty one's are the Shamaels).

Q. Why do they attack ?

A. Law of attraction. Once the psychological doorway is open and you are 'vibrating' in a corrupt manner, elementals go straight in - instantaneously and attach themselves to you. Even if no psychological doorway is open, there is a very small chance you can still get possessed i.e., during sleep, etc.

Q. If i'm 'vibrating' in accordance with the Christ logos will I get attacked ?

A. No. But rarely are people vibrating in a non-corrupt manner.

Q. What actually happens if i'm vibrating in a similar manner to the Christ Logos and open a doorway to the other side, will I get possessed ?

A. If an attack is attempted, all demons, negative elementals, etc will either be too scared, refuse to attach to you (bounce off) or will not be attracted to you in the first place.

Q. How Does one protect themselves if they feel they are under attack ?

A. Two common methods (i) By prayer and covering oneself with the precious blood of Jesus Christ (ii) Advanced mystics use the six pointed star (star of david) during meditation (i.e. visualizing the star surrounding you). This is sometimes called the "Shield of Jesus".


A. Exorcism Time. At this point you're basically a goner. If you're possessed, you aren't thinking straight anymore, so your best bet is to seek help (i) Get someone else to take the thing off you and put it onto themselves and allow them to get rid of it. (ii) Find an advanced practitioner in mysticism with authority to remove it. (iii) Super Super Intense prayer - reading passages from the bible constantly. This takes an enormous amount of concentration and could go on for days, months or even years. (iv) Get a priest to pray for you. This can be hit and miss and depends upon the spiritual authority given to the priest.

Q. Does it matter if i'm 'under the law' or under Grace ?

A. No. But under Grace, you will be given assistance in getting help if you fall prey to this nastyness. If you are 'under the law', you are likely to end up in a mental asylum.
No offence but some of that sounds like new age/catholic mumbo jumbo.

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 3:57 am
by LittleHamster
Stu wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 2:49 am
LittleHamster wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 1:57 am Hamster's Possession and Exorcism 101
No offence but some of that sounds like new age/catholic mumbo jumbo.
Yes it does. Sorry if it sounds weird/vague. Most of it, I have drawn from my own experience. I'd need to write about 50 pages to explain it all properly. Too much stuff for a single post !

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 5:54 am
by neo-x
Exorcism should be just prayer. What else can be done to repel evil.

Re: Exorcism!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 6:27 am
by RickD
neo-x wrote: Thu May 10, 2018 5:54 am Exorcism should be just prayer. What else can be done to repel evil.