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Amnesty Interational Report - US/Coalition Annihilation of Raqqa

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 8:03 pm
by Kurieuo
Well done US, France, Australia et al.

The four-month military operation carried out by the US-led Coalition to oust the Islamic State from Raqqa (Syria), killed hundreds of civilians, injured many more and destroyed much of the city. This report documents the experiences of four families whose cases are emblematic of wider patterns. Eight months on, the Coalition remains in denial about the human tragedy resulting from its military campaign. Amnesty International is urging Coalition members to promptly and impartially investigate allegations of international law violations and civilian casualties, and to provide reparation to the victims and adequate assistance for the desperately needed demining and reconstruction work. ... 7/2018/en/
Now back to criticising Russia.

Re: Amnesty Interational Report - US/Coalition Annihilation of Raqqa

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:30 am
by RickD

Re: Amnesty Interational Report - US/Coalition Annihilation of Raqqa

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:36 pm
by Kurieuo
When Russia/Syrian Army was being criticised for Aleppo and East Ghouta, it actually opened corrodors where people could escape through. They first did this (that I'm aware to) with Aleppo in response to US/international condemnation that they were shelling schools, hospitals and the like which ISIS fighters had taken.

Notably very few people could get to these corrodors, so then the next move was to allow ISIS (and "family"), to come down them as well. No one would be shot, and fighters would be put on a bus and driven to an area elsewhere where there was zero population -- and from there the fighting could continue without civilian loss of life. This is how Aleppo was re-gained with some civilian loss (sad part of war) but without complete annihilation. Ghouta likewise was regained. Both Russia and the Syrian army was greatly condemned by the US and -Coalition countries like my own.

However, then there is Mosul, US-back Iraqi army total destruction. And now, we have an apparently politically neutral Amnesty International report of Raqqa -- and all the crickets previously chirping are silent. Russia and Syria showed there was a better way of fighting ISIS while lessening cilvilian casualities (and yet that still wasn't acceptable to our nations and the mass media), and yet our way of lack of any care for civilian life so long as ISIS are killed is just largley overlooked and kept silent.

It is the double-standard like this which to me shows we're just as much being brainwashed in the West, as China, Syrians, Russians et al are by their own governments. We all get shown that which governments want us to see, and the media in such countries are ultimately controlled whether it be by intelligent forces or government. We should just take care in what we believe and accept, be critical and careful of it all, I suppose that's the end point of my posts here.