Idea's (people's thought's) have value. They are bought and sold all the time using money. Just look at patents and patent laws. Crypto-currencies don't actually physically exist yet people give them value. People are extremely valuable, they can cook, clean, iron, vacuum, do tasks. So we tend to place an artificial value on things. But do we ???
One crazy view I came across a while back is that
everything is a form of energy and the value of anything depends on how much energy it has . Human beings are a form of energy. Money is just another form of energy. Any object that has monetary value is a form of energy. Any object that can produce useful energy is monetarily valuable and thus a form of energy. Ideas and thoughts can be valuable and thus, a form of energy.
Some examples....
- If someone is young and fit and energetic, they can be very useful in the workforce and regarded as a valuable commodity.
- If people have children, it taxes their energy (more kids you have, more likely you are to get fatigued, depressed) and your value decreases because you have less energy.
- When people have sex, energy exchange occurs.
- When people fight, energy exchange occurs.
- When you love someone, it gives the person energy. (
the most important one).
- If someone has money, they can use that to get things done (i.e. they pay someone else which uses their energy to get things done). So, the more money you have, the more energy you have.
- If you find objects on the ground, they also can have energy (plants, rocks, gem's). In fact, any object worth money is an amount of energy. Or just burning wood for ! Diamonds ....worth money....more energy !
- If someone has good ideas, its takes energy to acquire those ideas, protect them, make some use of them, eventually those idea's will have some sort of monetary value...more energy. Someone may steal your ideas. You just lost your potential monetary gain and lost your extra energy !
- If someone is in a position of power, they can use that to acquire energy (in the form of wealth, control over other people's energy).
Win the Lottery ! You can become a Super Energy !..............basket case