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Study of End Times Not A Waste

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:35 am
by Davy
Some brethren wrongly think that studying Bible prophecy about these last days we're living in is a waste of time; and that because of a wrongful assumption that no one can really know what the Bible prophecies mean, since there's so much bickering and disagreement between different schools. In reality, that kind of thinking is the same thing as someone saying, "I don't understand Bible prophecy for the end, therefore, Bible prophecy for the end cannot be understood."

Those types may as well put God's Word upon a shelf and then just watch to see what happens, all the way to the end of this world. Do you think our Lord Jesus will be pleased with those at the end, since He commanded us to be on watch, even giving us the signs of the very end? Those are in confusion.

Re: Study of End Times Not A Waste

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:21 am
by RickD
We already have a topic going on this subject.
Let's keep it in one thread please.
viewtopic.php?f=22&t=42557&sid=32185188 ... a9b630d697

And FYI, if you actually read the thread, you'd see that nobody is claiming that studying the end times is a waste of time.

The issue is obsession with the end times.

Please respond in the thread I linked above, so we can keep this in one thread.