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Kissing Christianity goodbye....

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:40 am
by Nessa
So how about Joshua Harris?

Part of me is peeved off. It all feels narcasistic... Become famous by writing a book... Then become famous by denying your beliefs so publically and oh hey here's my ex wife's it...

Pictures of him eating rainbow doughnuts at the gay gathering. But it's not all his fault... People have made his book into a dating bible.

Re: Kissing Christianity goodbye....

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:35 am
by Philip
People just need to compare whomever's teachings to what Scripture actually says. And so you have two types who deny Scripture: A) People who deny it to be God's inspired words, and B) those who cherrypick it to support their beliefs or also invent unintended meanings and understandings wildly inconsistent with the Bible's texts.

And Scripture has always been a popular thing for people to attach and promote their false, anti-God / Christ teachings to - just as Muhammad did, beginning in the 6th century, and Joseph Smith and the Mormons did in the 19th one. Attaching lies to established truths are often the most effective way of establishing a cult! Course, many entering cults are just looking for acceptance and a sense of community, for whom the teachings are often rather secondary in importance to them.

Re: Kissing Christianity goodbye....

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:37 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Matthew 13:3-9 and Matthew 13:18-23

Re: Kissing Christianity goodbye....

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:17 am
by claysmithr
He's not going to be happy at judgement day :(