Extraterrestrials and the Farce of the Drake Equation
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:33 am
The aliens are out there! Or at least so many believe. And bandied about to support this contention, the Drake Equation is often referenced - a probability argument originated by astrophysicist Frank Drake in the early 1960s.
But what actual SCIENCE supports it?
Here, Dr. Michael Heiser reveals how meaningless the Drake Equation actually is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_kFUvbw9Ok
The Drake equation is:
N=R x Fs x f/ x ne x fl x fi x fc x L
N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible (i.e. which are on our current past light cone);
R∗ = the average rate of star formation in our galaxy
fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point
fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations)
fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.