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Abortion and Covid Vaccines Link

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:46 pm
by Philip
OK, this thread is NOT about the question of whether or not Covid vaccines are safe to take - rather they consider a moral question related to how aborted fetuses were apparently used during the research involved in their development. So, let's, for the sake of argument say, the Covid vaccines are perfectly safe. But what of the moral issue? Interestingly, the Vatican has weighed in says receiving such vaccines are, "morally acceptable," per the link below. ... l-lines-ok

Re: Abortion and Covid Vaccines Link

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:28 pm
by RickD
Philip wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:46 pm OK, this thread is NOT about the question of whether or not Covid vaccines are safe to take - rather they consider a moral question related to how aborted fetuses were apparently used during the research involved in their development. So, let's, for the sake of argument say, the Covid vaccines are perfectly safe. But what of the moral issue? Interestingly, the Vatican has weighed in says receiving such vaccines are, "morally acceptable," per the link below. ... l-lines-ok
I did some research on this topic, and the good news for people in America is that the two most common vaccines here, Pfizer and Moderna didn’t use the research developed with aborted fetus cells.

Assuming the news story is accurate, I don’t see how the pope can say it would be morally acceptable. Abortion is a grave sin, according to the Catholic Church.

For those who are Christians and don’t rely on the Pope as their moral compass, I suppose they’d have to weigh the pros and cons, if the only vaccine available, used research from aborted fetus cells. Some may feel the need for a vaccine, outweighs the fact that aborted fetuses were used.

Remdesivir, the drug that Trump highly touted, was developed with “cell lines” from aborted fetus cells. Trump calls himself “pro life”.

Re: Abortion and Covid Vaccines Link

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:41 am
by Philip
Rick: I did some research on this topic, and the good news for people in America is that the two most common vaccines here, Pfizer and Moderna didn’t use the research developed with aborted fetus cells.
Certainly glad for that!
Rick: For those who are Christians and don’t rely on the Pope as their moral compass, I suppose they’d have to weigh the pros and cons, if the only vaccine available, used research from aborted fetus cells. Some may feel the need for a vaccine, outweighs the fact that aborted fetuses were used.
Yes - as so many people just think in terms of the end justifying the means - as if that approach is accepted, it means that all manner of horrible things can be ultimately deemed okay if it ultimately results in some greater positive. But that's a seductive lie of the enemy, that the only way we can protect ourselves involves the unthinkable killing of unborn children.