Do you have doubts about God, Christ, or the Bible?
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:56 pm
If you have doubts about God and Scripture - then welcome to the human race - because we ALL, no matter how long we've been a Christian, struggle from time to time with various doubts. And before we came to Christ, we likely struggled with whether ANY of the Bible was true (I sure did!), or whether God exists, or what to make of this Jesus fellow, or all those strange, wild stories and miracles in the Bible - I mean, the list is lengthy for things related to faith that we all struggle with, whether a Christian, agnostic, atheist, or a follower of some other belief type.
So, here is a really good, short essay on what to make of our doubts related to God - what to make of them, how to deal with them, how find answers, some resources, etc: ... -to-doubt/