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HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:02 am
by 1over137
Hi friends,

Not sure if all of you have heard about HSPs. Highly sensitive person. (

Half a year ago, I read a book by Dr. Elaine Aron: The Highly Sensitive Person.
And everything started to be clear.
My childhood and all.
I now know that am not 'faulty' person or what.
But that 20% of the whole population are HSPs.
It is in our genes. We are sincere, authentic, empathetic.
We are not weak. It is that our nervous system receives more information. That is why we notice more when we enter the room.
We pick other's emotions, pain and all. And since we pick more information, we exhaust more sooner.
That is why we appear weak or what. But in fact, we are strong.

Let me encourage to be who you are. Do not be what others want you to be. All is alright with you and live your life.


Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:58 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
Hannah, dear Hannah... anyone who even simply peruses this site knows...

"We are sincere, authentic, empathetic and We pick other's emotions, pain and all." all about you... you are neither weak or faulty and should never be described as such. I have never heard of HSP, but I'm glad you got it !

"Let me encourage to be who you are. Do not be what others want you to be, All is alright with you and live your life."
This line does not end your post without sincere empathy and the desire to see all who read it and feel it, to flourish.

An admirer for some time now...


Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 11:42 pm
by 1over137
dear ES, :)


Yes, empaths want people to flourish. It's in us, we long for world peace :)

I see, it is still not known by people that there are 20% of all population HSPs.
And I am noticing this HSP 'movement' happening in the world.

So, I will continue to post in this thread.
I plan to make a post on boundaries.
That's what I learn - to put boundaries and not to be a rug for other people.

Well, everybody reading this post can test himself via self-test:
(There is also a test if your child is HSP. It may happen parent is not and child is and this poor parent does not know really what his child needs and may be desperate.)

posting soon,
have all nice day

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:00 am
by Fliegender
1over137 wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 11:42 pm Well, everybody reading this post can test himself via self-test:
I did the test with the link you provided and am not an HSP. I would have preferred to be one...

I know you lost your first husband to an illness. My question is, what are the advantages an HSP person has over someone who is not when going through a loved one’s terminal illness?

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:02 am
by 1over137
Fliegender wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:00 am
1over137 wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 11:42 pm Well, everybody reading this post can test himself via self-test:
I did the test with the link you provided and am not an HSP. I would have preferred to be one...

I know you lost your first husband to an illness. My question is, what are the advantages an HSP person has over someone who is not when going through a loved one’s terminal illness?
You are who you are, Roger. Everybody is special and is good that he is who he is.
We all have our gifts that we can offer. HSP can offer empathy. Others may be great warriors. Etc.

I do not know what are advantages, or disadvantages and there is not another woman with the very same situation as mine except that she is not an HSP. So no comparison is possible I think.

But make your own opinion:
Me as an HSP and got widowed. Lost love of my life. (Though am married again does not mean I love my Tomas any less or my current husband any less) :

- I could give Tomas my all love that HSP is capable of. And believe me, he got a huge portion of such a deep love maybe only HSP is capable. I could write more. But since it is so personal and intimate, and I carry deep wounds from the loss, I will not be more detailed. It still hurts hell a lot and always will be. Not mentioning I do not have a child. (Very aching as well.)
- So as an HSP, I maybe grieve more deeply. (Advantage or Disadvantage? I really would not put the question this way.)
- As an empath, you know intuitively the needs of the other person. I noticed things other did not and I could meet the needs of my dying love
- Disadvantage would be, when deprived of sleep, you do not function well, (HSPs need good regular sleep). So, being tired from lack of sleep, you struggle.
- another advantage would be my inner strength. I do not know how to explain that, but having this strength I could be there for him. Not falling into despair but instead providing all the love I was capable of

So, those are things that went into my mind.
I would appreciate that we do not go into this my personal loss. (Am struggling to have kids, am almost 38, and try to protect myself from stress. As an HSP I need to protect myself if I want to have some kids. So wish me well. Thank you y@};- )

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:07 am
by 1over137
Advice #1 to all HSPs:

Take magnesium regularly.


If I knew this before, I could be more functioning and be there for my dying love more.
It is advice also by Dr. Aron - take magnesium.

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:00 pm
by Philip
Hana, I know of two very lucky men you've married!

There is always hope for a child. As I married quite late (was 31), returned to school, then was very sick for 5 years, my first son was born when I was 40 and my wife already 39 - and then, FIVE YEARS later - we had our second son! So my wife was 45 with the second child - yeah, CRAZY! But God's timing was perfect. Yet, we also, before she was pregnant with our first (especially as quite some time passed before we conceived), we thought we couldn't have children and considered adoption. And we would have, except "BOOM!" But adoption is certainly something everyone might consider!

So glad to see your input in this new year!


Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:24 pm
by 1over137
Philip, your story is very encouraging. Thank you.

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:13 am
by 1over137
Advice #2 to all HSPs:

Create healthy boundaries.

This advice was for me the most important advice given by Dr. Aron in her book.

Boundaries should be flexible. They should allow you to invite things into your life that you like and protect you from things that are not welcome.
Extreme that should be avoided is to expel everyone from your life. And at the same time, you should protect yourself from inner compulsions to merge with other people. It would be nice and all but it does not work for long. And you do not want to lose your autonomy.
Most HSPs complain to Dr. Aron that they have weak boundaries. (Yep, was my problem too.)
They let themselves to be drawn into things that are not their business, they let themselves to be thus stressed a lot, also they speak more than they wish, and also they are too quick to make intimate relationships, or relationships with wrong people.

Make it your goal. You have the right for them.
And do not be stressed when at first you are not good at it. (It may take 2 years to learn that.)
The boundaries will also protect you from overstimulation.

So, all the best,
Your Hana y@};-

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:50 am
by Avery78
Being an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) may be both beneficial and challenging. Sensitivity to stimuli provides great empathy and insight, but it necessitates diligent self-care to control overwhelming emotions. Embracing this quality leads to greater knowledge and compassion for oneself and others. :sleep: :clap: 8-}2

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:23 am
by 1over137
Avery78 wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:50 am Being an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) may be both beneficial and challenging. Sensitivity to stimuli provides great empathy and insight, but it necessitates diligent self-care to control overwhelming emotions. Embracing this quality leads to greater knowledge and compassion for oneself and others. :sleep: :clap: 8-}2
I view it as a gift. Yes, it may be challenging, but having learned to embrace my sensitivity and also protect myself, I am now thriving.
I agree that self-care is very important.
I am curious. Are you HSP too? If yes, then :wave:

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:55 am
by Mirza99
Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) frequently have a more profound awareness of the world, seeing details that others would overlook. Although this characteristic may increase their susceptibility to stress and overstimulation, it can also foster remarkable empathy and creativity.Fm Whatsapp

Re: HSP - Highly Sensitive Person

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:22 am
by Philip
Mirza99 wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:55 am Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) frequently have a more profound awareness of the world, seeing details that others would overlook. Although this characteristic may increase their susceptibility to stress and overstimulation, it can also foster remarkable empathy and creativity.Fm Whatsapp

Hello, Mirza! Welcome to! Explore the site, ask questions, do a word search. Glad to have you as a member!
