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The Christ Returns & 'Judges Everyone According To Their Actions'

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 8:03 am
by BradWatsonMiami
Philip - Anonymous (not to GOD) - Moderator,

You've rudely and falsely judged me while preventing very important information from being circulated and discussed here. Therefore...

BY the power(77) vested in me by GOD as the Reincarnated Christ(77=C3+H8+R18+I9+S19+T20), I hereby rule that 4/22/23 is your Judgment Day: you FAIL.

Sentence: Really awful luck for the rest of your life, then your eternal soul won't be reincarnated as human for 74,000 years with 666 years incommutable. When you're born-again as human, it'll be under hellish circumstances.

Note: You can repent...

- Richard 'Brad'shaw Watson II, Miami - Christ II
GOD's Judge of* All Humanity

*Synchronism: 10:52 "Did the judge's voice sound familiar to you?" - The Wild, Wild West on MeTV

c.c. ... =66&t=1519

Re: The Christ Returns & 'Judges Everyone According To Their Actions'

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:29 am
by Stu
Dude those are some crazy rantings.

You need to read the Bible, and get on your knees and ask Jesus into your life.

Tough times are coming ahead and with that stuff you are saying, will see you take the mark of the beast.

Re: The Christ Returns & 'Judges Everyone According To Their Actions'

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 7:04 pm
by Philip
Yes, Stu, Brad certainly needs the Lord. Also, we need to pray for him!

Nonetheless, he is now permanently banned from the forum for violating rules he was warned about.
