All about the Shroud of Turin: Powerful new evidences!!!

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All about the Shroud of Turin: Powerful new evidences!!!

Post by Philip »


The Shroud of Turin, long believed by many to have been the burial wrapping of the crucified and RISEN Jesus of Nazareth, is likely the most studied artifact of all time. In fact, a world-class team (STURP: Shroud of Turin Research Project) of top scientists and experts in multiple relevant disciplines spent many years analyzing its many extraordinary attributes. The scientific team was composed of agnostics and unbelievers as well. Some of the following has been posted in the past, but what follows is a hugely powerful collection of video and other links explaining the Shroud and providing the latest amazing evidences which, in my opinion, reveal the Shroud to be the actual burial wrapping of the crucified and RESURRECTED Jesus of Nazareth!

It has been asserted by many skeptics that the Shroud is simply medieval faked artifact. And HEALTHY and informed skepticism is always a good thing. However, for those more knowledgeable and up to date on the latest research, easily dismissing the Shroud to be a medieval fake is exceptionally ignorant, given the level of scientific and expert scrutiny and study it has undergone - much of which has been ignored by the popular media. Even today, using tools and techniques available to those in the medieval era, no one has come close to replicating such a detailed image. The image has been proven to not have been produced with any kind of paint and the bloodstains are real. In fact, no one can determine HOW the image was produced. Look carefully at the high-resolution, scanned image of the Shroud, above. In the first place, it is anatomically perfect and has the precise wounds and features that Scripture describes of Jesus’ horrific beatings, wounds, piercings. And it’s not just that NO medieval artist – OR any artist TODAY - could produce this incredible image on woven cloth – as it, astoundingly, the image is a THREE-DIMENSIONAL / SPATIAL one! AND this image is actually a scanned and greatly enhanced POSITIVE of what is actually a faintly NEGATIVE image on the cloth – this, asserted (at its oldest / by skeptics) to still have been produced hundreds of years before photography was even invented!

Exactly how old is the historical documentation referencing the Shroud’s existence? Extra-Biblical historical sources, including apocryphal sources, show clear references to the Shroud as early as the 3rd century (216 A.D.). Read about them here: ... _Centuries

The Shroud has also tested positive for plant pollens unique and native to ONLY a very narrow area around Jerusalem. Botanist Avinoam Danin of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem submitted to the peer-reviewed publication of the Missouri Botanical Garden Press a comprehensive analysis of pollens taken from the Shroud, as well as plant images associated with it. Read about his research and conclusions here: ... 073154.htm

Didn’t the 1988 carbon 14 testing reveal a medieval date for the Shroud, thus debunking it to be associated with Jesus? NO!!! It has now been conclusively proven that the 1988 testing was done on a REPAIRED edge- sampled cutting, as it was damaged in a fire - which is the ONLY reason it was ever asserted to have been created during the medieval era. And the medieval period was when the REPAIRS were made, with proof now available revealing the samples for the carbon testing were done upon cloth repair portions added and interwoven with the damaged edges of he far-older (first century) cloth of the Shroud. Not only that, but revealing the suppression of the related samplings' information required legal actions, which was finally released and forced through a court order. The details surrounding the fraudulent actions surrounding the 1988 sampling and results are attested to here, by Barrie M. Schwortz, the official documenting photographer and STURP team member, in this interview: - And Schwortz’ bio can be found here:

New peer-reviewed date for Shroud of Turin (also discusses how and why the first, widely reported the 1988 C-14 dating results are flawed):

And here, in the MDPI peer-reviewed jounal, are the published results and methodology of a NEW and proven testing technique (Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering – WAXS - that places the Shroud’s origins within the historical window of time of a first century date:

Stunning video discusses the three-dimensional / spatial aspects on the image on the Shroud of Turn - including its likely, revealed MOVEMENT:

Other interesting items discovered on the Shroud of Turin:

Various experts discuss their take on the Shroud:
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