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Rabbi and the son who went to Israel

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:54 am
by Dale Tooley
Father and Son

A Jewish man sent his son to Israel for a trip.
On his return the son confided to his dad that while there he had become a Christian.
So the father went to cry on the shoulder of his good friend Saul, telling him the story.
"Interesting that you should say that " said Saul." I sent my son to Israel and he came back a Christian too."
So the two of them went off to tell the Rabbi what had happened. "Interesting that you should say that" said the Rabbi. I have had the same experience. I sent my son there and he is now a Christian ."
This is serious! Lets pray. "God, we three be good Jews who did the right thing, sending our sons to Israel, but they all came back Christians. What is going on here?”
And God said, "It's interesting that you should say that., I ........

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:37 pm
by Poetic_Soul
Good one