So, where in the New Testament are different denominations endorsed??
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 5:09 pm
Christiandom has an array of denominations across the world. But where are such noted in Scripture?
Also, what makes a denomination truly Christian to begin with?
It has to do with what they believe and teach about Jesus Christ! And an easy way to spot the groups that call themselves Christians, but that actually are NOT: What do they claim about the deity of Jesus and do they believe Christ, the Holy 'Spirit, and the Father are ALL fully God? Do they acknowledge and teach a Resurrected Jesus who has promised to return for His people still living? If any of these are not believed and taught, you can bet they are not truly Christian churches. A Christian is NOT a person who has perfect understandings of the Bible or theology - in fact, many Christians have some messed up beliefs or wrong understandings. And being a really good person, etc. - that's no indication either - because only those with faith in Christ are Christians - all of which, are very imperfect in actions and behaviors! As what makes a person a Christian is they have committed and submitted themself to faith and belief in the Jesus of the Bible, Whom is also fully God, died for our sins, and was bodily resurrected back to life. This is what ultimately matters most and makes them saved - and NOT that they have perfect or encyclopedic understandings of the Bible. BTW, I can guarantee all of us have some faulty understandings of certain things found in the Bible - because we are human and not ALL-knowing.