Flat Earth Beliefs are overwhelming proven ... WRONG!!!

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Flat Earth Beliefs are overwhelming proven ... WRONG!!!

Post by Philip »


Here's a fun, interesting look at a topic that is hard to believe actually still exists - that so many today incredibly assert that scientists from the ancient Greeks to modern pilots, astronauts, etc. are either lying or somehow mistakenly believe that the earth is ROUND (or mostly so, anyway). And, sadly, many believing such a bizarre thing. as a flat earth, in the 21st century, are Christians that also buy into all manner of other conspiracy theories. Perhaps, worst of all, a significant number of these "Flat Earthers" (FEs) are Christians (or claim to be), and they also assert that various Bible passages support this nonsense. Let's see if these claims hold up!

So, take a good look at these videos, totally refuting the false BIBLICAL / theological beliefs of FEs:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qePiXK_ ... J0aA%3D%3D

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ0ZLOQ ... J0aA%3D%3D

And here's a fun, rollicking, past discussion of flat earth beliefs from right here on the forum:
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Re: Flat Earth Beliefs are overwhelming proven ... WRONG!!!

Post by Stu »

According to this thinking almost the whole of Revelation and parts of what Jesus said and Daniel prophesied is then a "conspiracy theory".

It was meant to prepare people for the rise of the anti-christ and the mark of the beast, and NOT to take it. There is no way such a system could come into existence without men massively conspiring to create such a one-world totalitarian government.

It amazes me that so many Christians (let's face it so many so-called Christians these days are nothing but luke warm church-sitters who take one day off to go to church and then revel in their sin 24/7 6 days the rest of the week) can't get to grips with the fact that conspiracy is part of the Bible. They are fast asleep and will get a huge wake-up call when things turn 180. Especially American Christians, many think they will be raptured up to avoid the tribulation. Is that what happened to the apostles? No most where martyred. The church in America is mostly full of "live your best life now" messages which fills the seats but fails to teach the scary bits of the Bible about going to hell and the lake of fire which Jesus spoke about more of than anyone else.

He obviously thought it an extremely important topic, whereas today's preachers sell sugar-coated feel-good words to bring in tithes and so as not to scare off people.

What will Jesus find when He returns, people martyred for their faith or will they take the mark because "Jesus knows my heart". Sorry doesn't work that way.

Wake up, the world is on the edge of economic collapse, war and the tribulation, yet many Christians are fast asleep living happily in their sin.
Only when the blood runs and the shackles restrain, will the sheep then awake. When all is lost.
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Re: Flat Earth Beliefs are overwhelming proven ... WRONG!!!

Post by Philip »

Stu wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 7:18 am yet many Christians are fast asleep living happily in their sin.
Stu,whatever you think about tribulation or how close we are to the end, no true Christian is HAPPILY living in their sins - yet many are struggling against obvious and serious sins, while praying to overcome them. A TRUE Christian: A) is committed in heart and mind to recognizing Christ as their Lord and believes in Jesus' death and Resurrection, and has asked Him for forgiveness and salvation. B) ALL true Christians will nonetheless continue to sin, as we are not yet, still in our flesh, able to completely overcome sin. Also, I can guarantee you that there are sins you and I commit every day that we may not even be aware of. And YET, Scripture reveals that ALL true Christians are completely forgiven for ALL past, present and future sins. However, ALL people that merely CALL themselves Christians are NOT saved / forgiven.

The other thing I see is, you are always on about doom and gloom. The apostles risked death everyday, and the Apostle Paul knew he was soon to die - and yet, his writings abound with a completely different focus - one of love, gratefulness, joy, and perfect hope in his freedom from sin and evil that was to come (and, for us, that still is!). Christians focused on Endtimes agonies are never going to have what the Apostles did - not because they are unsaved, but because their focus is constantly on gloom and doom.

Stu, I would encourage you to focus on what the Apostle says in Philippians 4:
"5 The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Tribulations Christians go through will not be as if they'll be walking alone - as they are children of God, who loves and forgives them - which doesn't mean they won't experience any - or perhaps, significant, suffering. Of course, for unsaved persons - ones that will eventually be saved - tribulations are and will be one way that God will use for them to become desperate enough and finally cry out to Him in their sufferings and urgent need.

God clearly shows us, through His Apostles, that our focus is NOT to be gloom and doom and future events we can't predict or know the time of. Because NO Christian can have God's peace like that - as it's pessimistic and produces anxiety - and yet, what does Paul encourage us to do, but to "not be anxious about ANYTHING" - EVEN in the midst of the threat of death, which he constantly lived!

Stu, I know that some great evils are going on down in South Africa - with this very week evil persons in the majority encouraging the murders and taking of land of white South Africans, and so it's easy (and understandable) to focus on fearful possibilities. But having the wrong focus and not seeing the eternal future for ALL Christians as being full of hope, or somehow doubting that God won't be with them when evil things arise - well, you can't have peace like that. Choose (God's) peace! I pray you and your family remain safe!
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