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Atheist Richard Dawkins' contradictory reasoning about God

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 1:54 pm
by Philip

In this debate, an Oxford mathematician challenges Richard Dawkins on his contradictory question concerning the existence of the universe. Because, as Dawkins asserts that the universe required no cause for it's sudden existence per the Big Bang, he nonetheless questions how a God could exist that is uncreated. So, Dawkins is unconcerned about a sophisticated universe and it's massively complex building blocks appearing from NOTHING, within mere minutes of the Big Bang's beginning and instantly beginning to organize, whereas minutes before NOTHING physically existed. But he finds God's existence without being created an extremely disturbing thought. How contradictory is that? And especially the idea that God is PERSONALLY involved with humanity and His creation - that annoys him even further. Well, obviously, the universe certainly required SOME prior "Thing" that was eternal - which simple logic would assert is necessary: