The Swedish sermon

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Dale Tooley
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The Swedish sermon

Post by Dale Tooley »

While on his farm, an immigrant man had a vision and thought
he saw the letters "P.C." in the sky. He interpreted that as
"Preach Christ" and felt he was called to be a preacher, though
he had very limited reading and writing skills. His wife questioned
her husband's ability and call to the ministry.
Do you know the Bible?" she asked.
"Ya, I know da Bible from lid to lid."
"Well, what part do you like the best?" she asked.
"Vell, I tink da New Testament. Man, dey like da parables da best."
"Which parable then do you like the best?" she continued.
"I tink I like da Parable of da Good Samaritan."
"All right," she said, "Tell me the Parable of the Good Samaritan."
"Ya, vel, many years ago a man vent from Jerusalem up to Jericho
an fell among tieves, an dey stole his coat of many colours.
An da torns grew up an dey choked dat man, and he met the Queen
of Sheba. He did. An da Queen of Sheba gave dat man Joseph a
thousand talents off gold, frankincense and myrrh. An he got into
da chariot of fire an drove furiously, an ven he was driving under da big tree,
his hair got caught in a limb, an left him hangen der. Ya, he hung der
many days and nights, an da ravens brought him food to eat an vater to
drink, an von night as he vas hangen der, his wife, whose name vas Delilah,
came along an cut his hair, an he dropped an fell on stony ground,
an it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
He vent on an came to Jerusalem, an ven Jezebel saw this, she lauft at him,
an he said, 'Trow her down.' An dey trowd her down. An he said, 'Trow her
down again.' An dey trowd her down 70 times 7 times, an of her fragments
dey picked up 12 baskets full. Now I ask you, whose wife will she be in
der judgment, ven dey separate da sheep from da goats?"
His wife said, "Ollie, I don't think you will pass the seminary exam,
and I'm sure that "P.C." meant for you — "PLANT CORN!"
- Author Unknown.
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Re: The Swedish sermon

Post by SnowDrops »

This is how Bill Gates got the idea for "PCs" :lol: .
The first step to learning is to admit that you don't know.
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Re: The Swedish sermon

Post by neo-x »

It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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