Richard Dawkins' "god of the gaps" assertion is a failed strawman response!

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Richard Dawkins' "god of the gaps" assertion is a failed strawman response!

Post by Philip »


No, Richard, the atheist strawman god doesn't exist. But the God of Christianity most certainly DOES!

See here how Oxford mathematician John Lennox exposes the atheist strawman god!

Atheists love to ask, "Well, who created God." Because they believe materialism is all there is and ever was, they believe THEIR "creator" was made up of the purely materialist forces that produced the universe. But when you ask them what created such forces, they have no answers, other than, "Just because we don't know the specifics, we are certain that blind, impersonal forces are what produced mankind, as well as the entire universe." Well, that's simply a typical atheistic "god of the gaps" answer which fails miserably, while simultaneously exposes their own inexplicable and illogical "materialism of the gaps" belief. The Big Bang event, its immediate appearance and it's incredible, immediately appearing components, designs and functionalities are all things of unbelievable precision that reason would insist required a MIND of enormous intelligence.

Atheists assert the same blind, MATERIALIST origins for the incredible sophistication, designs, functionalities of the universe's extraordinary beginning elements - AND THEIR BRILLIANT, IMMEDIATE FUNCTIONALITIES AND PRECISE ASSEMBLING - within mere MINUTES of the Big Bang's beginning. An event that preceded time, space and matter! This miraculous event comprised of instantly appearing, stunningly designed and engineered building blocks (and incredibly, precisely those elements which the universe required), instantly and precisely beginning to function in perfect synchronization, on a breathtaking scale of unimaginable power, all within in ways our best minds for a century have struggled to even understand. Just happened per blind forces and chance??? And not over BILLIONS of years, but in mere MINUTES, did things of such stunning designs, functionalities and precision appear (Google it!).

Note the assemblage of the most sophisticated language ever discovered - DNA - an unbelievably complex coding language that determines the parameters and type of lifeform every biological organism will become, whether a worm or a human being. There are 3 BILLION DNA letters contained in EVERY cell! Yet atheists believe this DNA coding came into existence without a mind or creator - just time and chance, eh?

Biochemists tell us a simple cell is more sophisticated, complex and elegant than ANY machine ever built by man, and that its parts are "irreducibly complex." That is, ALL parts of a cell must already exist and work together, simultaneously (which could not have evolved), for it to function as a working / living cell. Again, atheists and unbelievers assert the universe began per blind forces, time and chance, producing a huge array of astonishing things which our most brilliant minds are incapable of - and that we STILL scarcely understand, even after over a century of studying the Big Bang! How true it is that the "god of the gaps" argument behind the materialism beliefs of atheism is tremendously illogical.

The reality is, atheism requires tremendous FAITH! But it's an unreasonable faith of their own "godless gaps," even though they would never admit it.
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