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REINCARNATION: Why it's illogical, goes against the Bible, is spiritually dangerous to believe in!

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 12:36 pm
by Philip

In 2023, Pew Research says its polling data revealed that approximately one-quarter of American adults say it is definitely or probably true that the dead can be reincarnated (i.e., reborn again and again in this world, whether as humans or animals). Its previous research had indicated that nearly the same percentage of American (of those at least IDENTIFYING as) Christians believe this as well – with a far smaller percentage of evangelicals / born-agains believing in it. Whatever the accuracy of its polling methodologies and outcomes, it’s obvious that belief in reincarnation has spread far beyond the Eastern world of polytheistic religions.

Beyond the Bible and Christian teachings about life after death, there are clearly many observations that should lead one to question any supposed truths behind the belief in reincarnation. Historic world population studies alone reveal the falsity of reincarnation, as well as many other questions. As reincarnating into another body and life at death is supposedly based upon “karma” – the tallying of good and bad that one accumulates through their actions in life. But WHO controls and sets the standards of this moral assessment – and would this not require a MIND? How is the assessment known – as many of our actions go unseen? What are the standards based upon? What is the causative mechanism behind this system?

The explanation is that, every subsequent life one is currently reincarnated into has to do with how moral they had lived in their previous life. The idea is that the “karma” system teaches one to strive for evermore moral improvements over a series of their reincarnated lives – so as to eventually reach a life with a superior plateau of good and enlightenment. But as with a CHAIN of anything, reincarnation would have to start with a FIRST INcarnation. So, if one has not yet lived a previous life and thus now on their FIRST incarnation – what possible negative karma could they be overcoming, as they would not yet have lived a previous life? If they are starting out with morally neutral karma – being that they had no previous life or bad karma to overcome – well, they could only go downhill from there, right? Upon deep reflection, the idea of karma and reincarnation just becomes more and more absurd!

What does the Bible say about reincarnation (

Three questions to ask people who believe in reincarnation (Dr. Frank Turek):

Why reincarnation cannot be true ( [url][/url]

This Christian woman came out of a deep belief and involvement with reincarnation, and she provides eight reasons why this false spiritual belief cannot be true – AND, why it is so DANGEROUS: