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Why Christianity is unique amongst ALL the world's religions!

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 7:57 pm
by Philip

Many will say and believe that the various religions around the world are merely different pathways to God. Further, they'll insist that one's PATHWAY isn't what is important, but only the fact that you are on A path - and that ALL paths lead to the same "God." But to believe this, one has to ignore that the various world religions, while often sharing core ethical / moral teachings about how we are to treat each other, have DRASTICALLY different teachings about God (or whatever god they believe in), including what is required by each faith tradition to reach Heaven. And ALL of the world's religions EXCEPT Christianity, teach a MERIT-based theology of what their deity or god(s) require for them to reach whatever version of heaven they believe in. And that's because Christianity is NOT merit-based or dependent upon how GOOD one has lived their life. Christianity teaches one CANNOT reach or EARN Heaven by their good works and deeds. As Christianity teaches Christians reach Heaven ONLY by the sacrificial death of Jesus on the Cross - as ONLY He makes Heaven possible for ANYONE! IF one will embrace and believe in the Jesus of Scripture and commit / submit themselves to Him in heart and mind to follow Him. And if they will do so, Jesus then applies HIS work to every saved person, and thus makes them acceptable to God and thus Heaven-bound!

See how this works as explained by Oxford University professor John Lennox: