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Near-Death Experience evidences - many are TERRIFYING!

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:28 pm
by Philip

Near-Death Experiences – are they REAL? What have you heard? A tunnel of light leading to immense joy? Angels? Untold beauty? Are ALL such experiences good and positive?

For those of you who might be intrigued by so-called near-death experiences (NDEs), you might be surprised to learn that many new-agers and universalists have latched on to such accounts, while spinning and interpreting them as some sort of world beyond, typically filled with angelic beings, rainbows, bliss, and beauty beyond imagination – yet, no Jesus. And so the focus of the new-age interpretation of NDEs are mostly filled with positives, of going into a bright light beyond, of reaching a place of total peace – no matter WHAT they previously, spiritually believed or practiced. The message of new-age interpretations of NDEs is usually that EVERYONE goes to some heavenly like place, with a message that we can all just relax, live our lives however we want, believe whatever we so desire, but we’ll all still be good after death. Of course, these are beliefs that directly contradict the afterlife God reveals to us in the Bible - and what He requires of us to enter Heaven and eternity with Him!

Many might be also be surprised to find that NDEs have come under serious research studies by academics and medical professionals. And what they find is amazing and inexplicable. As a significant percentage of documented NDEs reveal a place darkness, great fear, anguish, and suffering. And many that have such a dark NDE often return to life completely, dramatically and spiritually changed per what they had experienced and seen while dead.

Here, Dr. J. Steve Miller, talks with Sean McDowell about research into NDEs, as well as about important key books and research about it. He also discusses cautions related to evaluating NDEs and the source materials surrounding them. If any of you has ever doubted that life continues after physical life ends, you need to see this video! Learn about how people with all their vitals completely ended, have been documented to have had amazing observations they were later able to accurately relate concerning things and activities they saw during the period in which they had been declared clinically dead. You might be shocked to watch this video!

Re: Near-Death Experience evidences - many are TERRIFYING!

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 9:50 am
by Philip
And some people have terrifying, hellish NDEs, and yet it doesn't change them spiritually. Here's a recent headline from London's Daily Mail, about an American journalist and author who had a nightmarish NDE, but it didn't change his life trajectory, as apparently, he remains an atheist: ... eared.html

He even wrote a book about it!
