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Are you UNCERTAIN that you are saved? How to know for SURE!

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:09 pm
by Philip
That You May KNOW

(1 John 5:13): I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.

A lot of people have long self-identified as being a Christian. But many only THINK they are, as they've said a prayer, came forward in a church service, or whatever. Or maybe they go to church regularly, or off and on? Some just go on Easter and Christmas. Some of these might well be Christians. But some are merely cultural Christians or just joined whatever church. Many of you may worry about your salvation status before God. Many of you sincerely believe, but just don't FEEL it. You may be confused, you may have doubts. And we ALL have varying doubts. But this is the most important question for all of us - and thus we need to know the truth of the matter.

So, how can YOU KNOW for CERTAIN you are saved? Here are some excellent videos explaining how and what you should be asking yourself!