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A LIST of SINS that the Bible says will keep you OUT of Heaven!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:01 pm
by Philip

Below is the list of sins that will keep YOU out of Heaven - according to the Bible - and note, you can fill in the blanks with an exhaustive, custom list of your own favorite sins, past, present and future, and it will be accurate. Ah, but note under the list there is a QUALIFYING word that that your list and eternal destiny hinges upon!

And see the video link at the bottom of this post, as Dr. Michael Heiser explains about there supposedly being such a thing as "elite" sins.

1. ALL of them OR even just ONE sin (as if!) will keep a person out of Heaven - UNLESS - see the QUALIFYING word below!
10. _________________ Etc, Etc, Etc (list up to a million of your sins- that would also be sufficient, but is unnecessary!)

The QUALIFYING word is: UNFORGIVEN! It isn't because of any ONE specific sin or list of sins that will send a person to Hell - remember, God has told us that ALL people sin! As it is any UNFORGIVEN sins that send one to Hell - as the Bible tells us merely ONE unforgiven sin is enough to separate you from God, for an eternity of anguish! So, are YOU FORGIVEN???

Consider Romans 3: "For there is NO distinction: 23 for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God...

And yet, God ALSO told us that, for ALL who have committed / submitted themselves to Christ, through faith and belief in Jesus, as the Resurrected Son of God, will have ALL of their sins (past, present and FUTURE) completely forgiven and they will be with the Lord in His glorious Heaven FOREVER! Jesus died as a substitute to pay the price of ALL of our sins - but ONLY to those who come to Him in faith and receive Him! Note that God WANTS to forgive ALL persons and for them to be with Him forever in eternity - HOWEVER, He will ONLY forgive and receive those who commit themselves to Him / to Jesus - as the rest, sadly, will reject the glory and beauty He offers us all. And, most importantly, they reject our Creator, and thus, His forgiveness. And lest we forget, Jesus, a perfectly sinless man / Creator GOD died a brutal, painful, hideous death to pay for our sins - and all He asks of us is that we embrace Him and His forgiveness. He did it ALL - and we only MUST receive Him - and how evil NOT to do so!

See the rest of what Romans 3 says, that people are " 24 ... justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.

So, God also told us that ALL who commit themselves to Christ, through faith and belief in Jesus as the Resurrected Son of God WILL have ALL of their sins (past, present and FUTURE sins) forgiven and they will be with the Lord in His glorious Heaven FOREVER! But we must receive Jesus in order to also receive His forgiveness!

Dr. Michael Heiser ("There are NO elite sins that keep one from Heaven - as if there was a hierarchy or order):