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Is NON-resistant UNBELIEF in God possible? What are we to make of it?

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:02 pm
by Philip
"Lord, help me to believe in You" - have you ever prayed such a prayer?

NON-resistant unbelief in God / Christ - does it exist? Here, Dr. Frank Turek, apologist and co-author of the excellent book, I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, responds to the question:

Commentary: I don't personally believe that the faith God requires of us is HIS faith - as it is OUR faith that must be placed in God / Jesus. I can't imagine a situation in which anyone praying to God to help their unbelief (even if unsure of His existence) would be denied it (As Jesus said, "Seek and you will find."). And see: 1 Timothy 2:4. But as for HOW and WHEN God will reveal Himself to a person desiring it, that will take place in God's own divine timing, and not ours. And Scripture most certainly states that it is GOD who moves first in a person's mind and heart, as He is the one that has enabled and made our faith possible (through the Cross - but only IF we exercise OUR faith in Jesus). But I suspect that most claiming to seek God still are resisting Him - even if they are blind to that fact.

And, as for those waiting upon 100% proof about God and Jesus - well, God has given us FAR enough evidences about Himself and His Word (just search around on this site!). But He desires that WE must make that last step through our own faith. There is very little in life that we have 100% understanding of before we make a decision. But IF we want Jesus, HE will help us make that leap. The key question is, do WE want Him? As HE has wanted US so bad that Jesus died a horrific death to make it possible to receive God's forgiveness, acceptance, and eternal life in glory and peace, in His presence!

NOwhere in the Bible does it say faith is a gift (while SALVATION is, yet, it still must be RECEIVED by us) or that it is withheld from ANYONE! And yet, the Bible tells us that God must first draw ALL unbelievers and open their eyes enough for them to want to desire to place their faith in Jesus John 6:65 ESV - again, IF we so desire to. And the Bible tells us we ALL, at least initially, have known of God's existence, yet many have suppressed that knowledge Romans 1:18-25. And instead of wanting to know more about God (which He WANTS to show us), including about Christ and the Gospel, most people avoid and reject God. And the ones that know further - about Jesus, the Gospel, and the Resurrection, nonetheless refusing to commit and submit ourselves to Christ, through faith! Note that God said He reveals Himself to people who SEEK, but not those who willfully reject Him.
