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The Power Of One

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 5:11 am
by Tash
For anyone who has read 'the power of one' by bryce courtenay i was reading it for the first time and came to think about this one passage, and i wasnt sure where i should have put the thread.
'Peekay, god is to busy making the sun come up and go down and watching so the moon floats just right in the sky to be concerned with such rubbish. Only man wants always god should be there to condem this one and save that one. Always it is man who wants to make heaven and hell.GOd is to busy training the bees to make honey and every morning opening up all the new flowers for buisness.' he paused and smiled ' In mexico there is a cactus that even sometimes even god forgets. But this is not so. On a full moon in the desert every one hundred years He remembers and He opens up a single flower to bloom. And if you sould be there and you see this beautiful cactus blossom painted silver by the moon, this Peekay, is heaven.' he looked at me, his deep blue eyes sharp and penetrating. 'this is the faith in god the cactus has.'