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Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 12:18 pm
by Anonymous
Gonna keep it sweet and short, atheists are uneducated in EVERYTHING but what they see in the world. Atheists don't bother to look into theology, philosophy, and so on from the Christian perspective only their own perspective and that is what they grow on. They take all we have on Earth as what we have and that is it. Explain to me then why do miracoulous things happen to people that can't be explained and happen almost instantly. This is supernatural. My dad is a very well known doctor and he has seen many miracoulous things happen to his patients in his career that he cannnot explain and neither could anyone else. He has personally had a 2 way audible conversation with God and he is a very good Christian that wouldn't tell a lie. Evolution for like the one trillionth time is a theory. Spell it out with me - T-H-E-O-R-Y. Not a freaking fact like all evolutionists CLAIM not PROVE. We live within a supernatural universe and the Bible was written ONLY for the inhabitants of Earth, not other stuff we find in space. If you are a true atheist reading this, explain to me everything that is happening at this moment within everybody right now, you simply can't! As being an atheist you have to accept what you got therefore you believe you know EVERYTHING. You don't, you're only uneducated. Look at Anthony Flew, world known former atheist, every atheist looked upon him, and then what did he do, dare I say it, he renounced athiesm! He believes in a minimal God but that is what happens when you spend practically your whole life as an atheist, you can't accept much of anything. I hope that if you are an atheist you really dig DEEP into all the information from both sides. I have and I find the Christian viewpoint stronger, not because I am a Christian but because I do RESEARCH, unlike atheists that don't do much of anything.

I hope I made some point across :lol: .

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:38 pm
by Kurieuo
The anti-spiritualism is perhaps why Atheism appears to be in decline. People tend to believe there is more to us and the world than matter, and Atheism leaves one very unsatisfied in these areas being unable to dialogue on such issues.

There was an article I read recently you might also be interested to read: ... 1763.shtml


Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:38 pm
by Felgar
Kurieuo wrote:The anti-spiritualism is perhaps why Atheism appears to be in decline. People tend to believe there is more to us and the world than matter, and Atheism leaves one very unsatisfied in these areas being unable to dialogue on such issues.
Agreed Kurieuo... We already know that every human understands (at least on some level) there's a spiritual realm, so to deny all spirituality is simply in direct confliction with our God-given nature.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:28 am
by Tash
well, i believe in the world of matter, Quarks, Gluons, the big bang, evolution, mitosis, as it is on a STRICTLY scientific level, just like atheists


i belive that god is tied to them all, controls them, created the rules at which they work. so where does that leave me?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:34 pm
by Felgar
Tash wrote:well, i believe in the world of matter, Quarks, Gluons, the big bang, evolution, mitosis, as it is on a STRICTLY scientific level, just like atheists


i belive that god is tied to them all, controls them, created the rules at which they work. so where does that leave me?
It leaves you in God's grace, with a little more to learn about evolution. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:29 pm
by Believer
Paganism is on the rise though. At least they believe in a God, Gods and/or Godeses. Thank God that atheism is declining. I think if everyone just believes in a God the world will be happier, excluding the religion that says to chop heads off for 50 virgins or whatever in heaven - B.S. :lol:. In addition there was no atheist book in Jesus's time so therefore that is another reason why atheists fail, they just leech off of our Bible.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:19 pm
by Kurieuo
HelpMeGod wrote:I think if everyone just believes in a God the world will be happier, excluding the religion that says to chop heads off for 50 virgins or whatever in heaven - B.S.
You mean its not true?? Oops... I wonder if I can glue them back on ;)


Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:25 pm
by Believer
Kurieuo wrote:
HelpMeGod wrote:I think if everyone just believes in a God the world will be happier, excluding the religion that says to chop heads off for 50 virgins or whatever in heaven - B.S.
You mean its not true?? Oops... I wonder if I can glue them back on ;)

Nope you can't :lol: , oh well :!: But seriously, if we all united each other with one another in the true spiritual beliefs the world would be safer and finally world peace (like that's ever going to happen :roll: ).