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What Mary went through

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:04 am
by Poetic_Soul

Imagine if you will a mother raising her first born. Remembering his giggles and laughter’s. Remembering how he would cry in the night for her breast milk. She could recollect the moment he was conceived. She knew that he was a gift but not a gift so selfishly to keep. He would become a gift for mankind. And it became the time for her special gift to be handed over. And every second that passed broke her heart even more.

Three days prior, they praised and worshiped her son. Hosanna, Hosanna;…laying down palm leafs before his feet. And now these same people with the same breath; cry out crucify him, crucify him. The sounds of the hammer making the connection to the nails went through her weary bones. Seeing the sparks fly when the steel met each other. And this was her son. Her very first born.

She could easily get her son off the cross (the only earthly throne that was given to him). All she had to say is that her son is not the Messiah. That her and Joseph had a sexual relationship and conceived Jesus. That Jesus is just a common man with a following. But she knew in her heart that the gift that God has given her, no longer belonged to herself but had to be shared. She knew first hand of his divinity. His Kingmanship. Out of her womb became the Lord of Lords and King OF Kings. She had to let her son go, that he may finish his journey. She knew of his destination ever since birth and now it was her time to let him go. She would understand that Gods love for mankind was stronger than her love for her firstborn. The burning of her eyes was mixed with her tears and the blood of her son. Mary could only hope that this precious gift would not be in vain.

All she could do is watch her first born gasping for air. Listening to his wails of pain and suffering. She knew for a fact that her son was innocent. She knew for a fact that her son did not deserve this treatment. But somebody did. Somebody deserved that cross. Yet her son took upon himself to bear the burden of iniquity against God. All of mans rebellion and treachery fell upon one mans shoulder. And that shoulder became the only begotten Son of God;…Jesus the Christ.

Imagine if you will, if Jesus had never been born. With this in mind. No one went to the cross. That debt would still be owed. Your debt. My debt. Our debt. Imagine if we all had to take our turn to pay up for the debt that we owe. Imagine if we were given a specific date when it was our turn to be crucified. And at the same time, never being able to pay off this debt, even if we were to go to the cross. Our iniquity, our sins only become equivalent to death. Therefore the debt would only stop there. To go beyond death and into Gods holy presence, we would need a sinless Savior. And this is were Jesus steps in. He is ready to accept those who will accept him, believe him and trust in him. It’s time to know your Creator and what He has in store for you. It’s time to have a fresh start on life where everything is slated clean, debt free. It’s time to consolidate all your debts and give Jesus the bill. Today is the day for salvation and tomorrow;…..may never come again.

wow .... that was powerful!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:51 am
by Anonymous
That is sooo powerful Poetic. Can you do me a favor and email me??
Where did you get that? From a book or did you make it up? I would love to read that in church or somewhere if I may......???

Please let me know if you got my cd I sent to you, and if there is anyone out there that would like to know how hell is really like just email me and I will send you too a FREE CD.

Bless you Poetic!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:04 am
by Kurieuo
Don't you know? Hell is relative! ;) Lewis illustrated this well when he pointed out that one man's hell could be one mosquito's heaven.

(Btw, just kidding about the relative part for anyone who didn't get my humour!)
