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Speaking In Tounges

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:37 pm
by Believer
Is it required to speak in tounges to earn your place in heaven? Supposedly, this is a person who is "higher" in religion and therefore better than anyone else? If it isn't required, how can we speak in tounges?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:42 pm
by Deborah
To my understanding, speaking in tounges is a gift from the holly spirit.
A gift from the Holy Spirit may come in various forms, some may receive the gitf of healing and some other wonderful gifts. I don't think the gift of tongues is meant for everyone, I think it's the gift from the holy spirit that comes in many forms. This could be the gitf that God intends us to use for good. Prophesy could be a gift from the holyspirit. Medical science is certainly a gift from god. It provides a way to help those who are not strong enough in faith.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:52 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
There are many fruits of the Holy Spirit. I can't list them all right now, but there are people gifted with the ability to teach, comfort, motivate, lead, etc....the tongue one is the one we all want, though, because we're lazy and don't want to take a foreign language class (me being one of them).

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:12 pm
by Joel Freeman
We, as believers, are all part of the body of christ. God gives us different spiritual gifts to build eachother up. It would be extremely hard for us each to have every spiritual gift there is, because we are only one person. When you look at us as the body of christ, it technically is one person who has every spiritual gift, because it is all for God. God just chooses who gets what spiritual gift. Does this make any sense at all? Please forgive me if it doesn't. I'm tired...

Tongues must be iInterpreted

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:07 pm
by Anonymous
1Corinth. Speaks about tongues. It is a gift from God, but to edify what it is God is saying, it is also said that if one speaks in tongues two or three should interpret. (Tongues Must Be Interpreted 1Corinth. 14:16)
Please read all of 1 Corinthians 14. Maybe you will get a better understanding.

1 Corinthians 14:10:
to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.

Yet thus the preachers did who delivered their instructions in an unknown tongue. Would it not make Christianity ridiculous to a heathen, to hear the ministers pray or preach in a language which neither he nor the assembly understood? But if those who minister, plainly interpret Scripture, or preach the great truths and rules

of the gospel, a heathen or unlearned person might become a convert to Christianity. His conscience might be touched, the secrets of his heart might be revealed to him, and so he might be brought to confess his guilt, and to own that God was present in the assembly. Scripture truth, plainly and duly taught, has a wonderful power to awaken the conscience and touch the heart. (1Co 14:26-33)

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:38 pm
by twoedgedsword
to my understanding there is the gift of tongues in the the edification instance with the following of an interpretation. Then there is the the speaking in tongues that is more of a personal prayer language between yourself & God. Obviously, in order to have the former gift you'd have to have the latter.....but just because I can speak in tongues doesn't mean that I'm supposed to for the purpose of interpretation. Also though, to answer the original question, NO, you do not have to have the gift of tongues to get to heaven. The Jesus says "None come to the Father except through me" or something very close to that, he doesn't say though that the way to Father is by speaking in tongues. And then you have the instance of the thief on the cross or any other deathbed tongues there and they're still saved by grace.
We are saved by the cleansing blood of Jesus, nothing more, nothing less......

God Bless~