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Do You Agree With Heaven Levels Of Advancement?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:45 pm
by Believer
This is Sylvia Brownes experience with the levels of advancement in heaven, do you agree or disagree, please explain. Here is the source link -
A Brief Summary of Sylvia's View of Life on the Other Side

Upon death, most people go through a heavenly process before entering into heaven. Evil people, instead of experiencing the tunnel and bright light upon death, are sent through what Sylvia calls the left door and enter into an abyss of empty, joyless, nothingness for a brief period of time. After they have reflected upon their actions, they are reincarnated back to earth. People who commit suicide are sent to a place Sylvia calls the holding place. Here they must make a choice to either proceed through the left door or embrace God and move on to the light. People in the holding place shuffle slowly around in despair in a gray fog with their heads down until they make their decision. According to Sylvia, this is purgatory. It is interesting to note that many near-death experiencers, including George Ritchie, have seen this place.

Most people, who go through the heavenly process, go through a tunnel and towards the light of God. They return home to the place they came from on the other side. Here, they have a reunion with family and friends who have departed before them. After the reunion, most of us are lead by our spirit guide to a building on the other side called the Hall of Wisdom. In a sacred room, we see our lives flash before us on a device Sylvia calls the scanning machine. This device is a domed screen where our lives are placed out in three-dimensional holographic form. Once we have fully evaluated our lives, we are debriefed in an orientation process. This is when we discuss the lifetime previously lived and reviewed in the scanning machine. We meet with guides who are trained orientators who discuss ways of amending for previous mistakes. We receive help if we were unprepared for our crossing over into the spirit realm. If those whose transition is especially difficult, the orientation process is preceded by another process called cocooning. This is when the person is put into a restful, healing sleep for as long as it takes for them to feel healthy. In extreme cases, people are taken to a structure called the Towers where extremely confused people undergo a deprogramming process.

Once a person has adjusted to the transition, they can visit a place called the Hall of Records where historical data is stored such as the charts of everyone's past lives. Another beautiful structure is the Hall of Justice where people go before the Council of Elders who are highly advanced spokespersons of God who help us decide how we are to progress further into the spirit realm. Sylvia describes seven levels of advancement and they are:

The Seven Levels of Advancement

1. The reunion and homecoming previously discussed
2. The orientation process previously discussed
3. Becoming skilled in a particular vocation
4. Becoming creative in the arts
5. Researching areas of progress and passing the knowledge to earth through a process of infused knowledge
6. Becoming a teacher or leader
7. Forfeiting your identity as a personality by willingly absorbing into the light of God

As it is on earth, so it is in heaven in that life is what we make of it. On the other side, we do what we choose to do and advance as far as we choose to and when we choose to.

At some point, people recognize the need for even further advancement and therefore choose to return to earth to gain this spiritual advancement. With the help of a spirit guide, they write up a new chart, an incarnation which will meet their goals. They then proceed to the Hall of Justice where they meet once again with the Council of Elders. Here, the council prepares people for their next incarnation. When they are ready to incarnate, their family and friends are gathered together to bid farewell. Once they have said their goodbyes, they can meet with a spiritual teacher, such as Buddha or Jesus, to embrace them in their divine light. People are then taken to the Towers and are eased into a deep sleep. The descent into the womb begins and a new life is born on earth.

"It is God's kiss, not of good-bye but only of a brief farewell, knowing we're leaving paradise not just for the sake of our own spiritual potential but for him as well, and assuring us, his children, that his perfect, unconditional, eternal life will light our way through all our days on earth and right back through the tunnel that will someday bring us safely home again." - Sylvia Browne

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:48 am
by Kurieuo
Please provide a link at least back to the original quote...

As for the writing itself, my impression is one of incredulity. I don't know why anyone would take this person seriously, and what validates her as a valid authority to speak on heavenly matters as though her word is fact? I mean its alright to speculate, but to present such as fact, one needs a little more than just their personal opinion.


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:06 am
by Believer
Okay, I added the source link, sorry for not adding it before :oops:

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:40 am
by Felgar
Wow... I agree with Kurieuo; this is ridiculous. Did she borrow bits and pieces from every religion and Christian cult in order to make a story that makes everyone feel nice and cozy? Yikes! This is really just way off.

First, even within her own statement, one would end up with multiple families (upon reincarnation) which might lead to problems in being reunited with them. Second, we're told that the primary task in heaven is to worship God (not to do pottery or some art work). And third, it's not true that "most people go through a tunnel and towards the light of God."

For it's written, as Jesus said: Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:43 am
by Believer
Sylvia Browne is a physic/Christian, she believes she obtained powers from God to bear witness in the future and the afterlife. I have watched her on T.V. and she makes some good points about the afterlife but she isn't all she is cracked up to be :lol: