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Heaven In The Head?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 3:05 pm
by Believer
I came across an article a while back, I can't remember the source, but it was explaining how once you die, the brain is still active for a while and your past memories flash by and then you experience a permenant temporary heaven until your brain is completely dead. Could this be why Jesus said on the cross to the other guy, can't remember his name, that "You will be in paradise with me today"? If this were true, then Jesus died for nothing and it was pointless, but according to the author of the article, heaven is temporary but seems eternal, i'm not sure how that would work. Any thoughts on this?

P.S. I really did forget the source link and this has nothing to do with Near Death Experiences and Out Of Body Experiences.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 3:51 pm
by Felgar
There have been similar explanations regarding near death experiences and "the tunnel' of light... Extreme centrifugal forces that deny the brain blood and cause blackouts are said to sometimes produce the tunnel of light effect.

I'm sure there's something to it, but at the same time this is just another weakly supported scientific finding that nonbelievers cling to, rather than accepting the truth about God and the afterlife. I'd say it's much like evolution; has some basis in truth (speciation) but is not an adequate explanation of our existance and afterlife, and should in no means diminish our faith.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:46 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
If that is heaven, heaven would be memories aren't the nicest things in the world, they're full of horrible I, at least, wouldn't be getting a very good slide show. :roll: Besides, how do they know the last scenes a person sees? They didn't use Armageddon as evidence, did they?