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A poetry joint

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:23 pm
by Poetic_Soul
Bearing His Cross

I am the North African.
The one appointed to carry His cross.
Vertical beam weighing such and such.
Horizontal beam weighing such and such.
A load that I am proud to carry.

For I am a witness of His cross.

It goes farther than the Christmas specials
That blends into our American culture.
It goes farther than any trinket or medallion
That we wear around our necks.
It goes beyond the tradition of Easter
Which brings us out on a bright Sunday morning.
It is deeper than the value that you
Nor I are worthy of.

It penetrates the mistakes, the scars
The wounds that this familiar life brings.

It entwines the oxymoron of justice and mercy.
Bringing both words together in the same sentence.

My name is Simon.
The North African
That carried His cross to the place of a skull.
The cross that was made for me.
But destined for him.

Lawrence R. Nunes

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:54 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
That was pretty good. Encore encore.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:11 am
by Joel Freeman
I really liked this. ImageImageImageImage

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:33 pm
by Poetic_Soul
I have more if you like? Thus the name;.....Poetic_Soul.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 4:57 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Sure post more-really good.


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:07 am
by Poetic_Soul
Thy Will

My humanism
Wanted to take control
And say no.
I don't deserve this.
Why should I suffer
The agony of guilt?
Why should my hands
Shed the blood for many?
Why should I
Be afflicted
From the sting of death
Yet, it was for the good
Of the order.

My humanism
Wanted to take control
And just say no.
My hands are innocent.
Why should I
Carry a load
For those who
Don't even know?
Why should the world
Be lifted up
From my life being
Laid down.
Yet and still
It was for the good
Of the order.

My spirit cried out
The sorrows of many.
My cup could not
Be passed.
For who could
Drink from it?

My time is winding down
And I listen to
Earths' sound.
So I called out your name.
Silence only heard me.

My blood was poured out
For the sins of many.
Was placed upon me.
Grey skies
Dark clouds
My voice cried aloud.
“Into thy hands I commend
My spirit”.
For thy will was done.
That the whole world
Should overcome.
This was done
For the good
Of the order.

Lawrence R. Nunes

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 9:31 am
by Poetic_Soul
Lie at the Door

Oh he'll answer.
It won't take long before he comes around.
He claims that he's a Christian
But TEMPTATION has been working on him.

TEMPTATION called me yesterday
And said that he put everything on display.
Conviction did set in
But COMPROMISE worked with him.

So it's only a matter of time.
A matter of weeks.
A matter of days.
A matter of hours.
Any minute now
And I'll pounce right on him.
Yeah, he'll let me in.
It's only a matter of time.

TEMPTATION finally got through to flesh
And the desires was making its way back.
The desires that haunt and taunt
The heart of man.
As it did Cain.
As it did David.
As it did Judas.
Ju-das wait and see.

And who am I?
SIN that lieth at the door.
Ready to strip you
From your riches
God has in store.

The riches of peace.
The riches of love.
The riches of sanity.
The riches of what
The world nor I can give.
The riches of life eternity.

I wait at the door. (DING-DONG)

Lawrence R. Nunes

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:33 pm
by Poetic_Soul
The difference between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday

Good Friday we were weak.
Resurrection Sunday we were strengthened.
Good Friday we were bound to slavery.
Resurrection Sunday we were released from captivity.
Good Friday we were divided and set apart from the Most High.
Resurrection Sunday we were joined together and in union with the Father.
Good Friday we were shattered and broken.
Resurrection Sunday we became renewed and whole.

Good Friday became good for just one reason;……to be forgiven.
Resurrection Sunday completed what Good Friday was destined to do.
To claim the victory to the redeemed.